Title: Good Intelligence
Author: JoelTheCat
Rating: R
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Jenny Shepard/Brenda Leigh Johnson
Genre: f/f, m/f, trying to think of a good m/m pairing
Warning: unintentional dub-con later
Spoilers: NCIS through season 5. Whole run of The Closer, which will have aired by the time I'm done :-)
Disclaimer: I don't own anything.
Author Notes: Timelines totally skewed in the quest for quality femslash and because Gibbs likes redheads.
Summary: The danger from Brenda's past may not have nearly the impact on her life as the old friend who shows up to protect her.
Word Count: 566
Apparently, Ziva thought, senior American police officers were better paid than she had believed. This one's home was small, but the furnishings were of good quality and the amenities were first-rate. The local team cleared it with reasonable professionalism without being told. Ziva had not believed local law enforcement could be useful is an operation such as this, but she was beginning to change her mind. They settled around the table or on the sofa, all but Gibbs and his elegant new redhead, who had gone to feed the woman's dogs. Ziva leaned against a counter between McGee and Ducky, facing a ginger cat with a Biblical name that crouched atop the refrigerator glaring his best at the intruders in his home. Ziva did not believe the cat would be much of a deterrent to attackers. The dogs would have been better.
An old-fashioned blackboard appeared, and Director Shepard--Ziva found it easier to maintain propriety if she thought of Jenny so--Director Shepard took up a long white cylinder of chalk. The protectee sat at the head of her table looking up at the director.
"All right, Jenny," she said, "what is it?"
"Rahim Zaid Ali Tamim," said the director, mispronouncing the name quite badly, "was picked up... quite a number of years ago near the Iran/Iraq border with a large quantity of... an interesting substance."
Ziva watched the protectee during the director's introduction. The woman recognized the name.
"He was taken," the director continued, "to an undisclosed location, where he was questioned by the CIA."
"He died," said the protectee. "He died a long time ago. Who would care...?"
"Chief," said the young black man, "exactly how did this guy die?"
"Go ahead," the director told her, "but all of you remember those waivers you signed. Brenda Leigh?"
"He died... between rounds of interrogation."
"Your interrogation?" asked Gabriel.
"He died under torture?" Flynn asked.
"I never saw that," the woman said. "They made sure we never saw... anything like that. But they couldn't hide the marks on them."
"Okay," said Provenza, "so he died. Then what?"
"I quit."
"That why?"
"Not just that," she said. "All of them. Men who swore they had no connection to anything, men and adolescent boys and...." At this point she looked directly at Ziva. "...and a little girl who should have been attending her prom, not...." She shook her head and looked down into her lap.
"You quit," said the director, "immediately after Rahim Zahid Ali Tamim died."
"So," said DiNozzo, "his relatives have been stalking her ever since?"
"His relatives never knew her name," the director replied.
"His... colleagues," said Sanchez, "took this long?"
Beside Ziva Ducky shifted his weight, and the director looked directly at him.
"Dr. Mallard? You have something to add?"
"Only that I'm not sure that is quite the right question. It seems to me that we should be asking what Rahim Zahid Ali Tamim knew about his colleague's activities, and why that knowledge has become so significant at this late date that those colleagues are seeking to eliminate anyone to whom he might have passed that information."
Ziva repressed a smile. Ducky's pronunciation was as perfect as his logic. As Gibbs might say, you could take the man out of MI-6, but you couldn't take MI-6 out of the man.