1601. What's on your key chain besides keys?
don't have a keychain...well i have one but there is nothing on it and i don't use it
1602. How do you feel about endangered species?
let 'em be, let 'em live, you know the drill
1603. What was the last CD you bought?
dizzy up the girl (goo goo dolls) from iTunes
1604. Do you like feather pillows?
1605. How about water beds?
kinky, kinda
1606. Are you responsible for any housework?
i get it done...just...not always the night before it's due...and i usually do it late into the night because i procrastinate like snap (werd.)
1607. How long is forever?
forever. don't make my brain hurt
1608. How has your family influenced your life?
oh, i could write a book. mostly for the better, lets put it that way.
1609. Who would you be afraid to have angry at you?
a close friend, a powerful/strong person
1610. Does this survey feel like it will never end?
it will probobly feel this way soon
1611. Have you ever eaten any kind of food off of someone else's body?
lol also kinky, but no
1612. Do you like the direction your life is going in?
for now? sure
1613. Are you a traditional person?
1614. Do you have any quarrels with god?
1615. What feelings or thoughts do you repress?
if i told you they wouldn't be repressed now would they
1616. What makes you feel ecstatic?
THEATER! *eeeeee*
1617. What was your biggest mistake in the past three months?
hmm...breaking up with vartan?
1618. York Peppermint Patti or Reece's Peanut butter Cups?
oo they are both good
1619. What are your feelings about Hugh Hefner?
oh oh, i knew who that was...damnit...rawr. my memory sucks.
1620. What is your specialty?
that could be taken sooo many ways...
1621. Have you ever had a stalker?
online doesn't really count....oh wait yeah...well not really, i'll go with no
1622. Have you ever been a stalker?
teehee. teehee.
1623. What is the lowest grade you are willing to accept in a class?
well...i will accept any grade...but...i get pissed at myself when i get lower than a B-
1624. What would you do if a teacher punished you for cheating when you weren't?
i'd probobly take it because i'm a woos like that. i would later bitch about to friends and LJs and family
1625. What store would you most like a $10,000 (about 5900 British pounds) gift certificate to? oh wow....hmm....can i say ebay? does ebay count? or maybe urban outfitters...
1626. What would you like to reincarnate as?
a cloud. not sure why...
1627. What's in your undie draw...besides undies?
that's dirty. socks and stockings and leotards and bathing suits.
1628. How many languages can you say HELLO in?
let's see...6
1629. If your whole country had to listen to you talk for ten minutes what would you talk about?
ooo, lord....um...i would somehow get them all to vote for kerry (god get bush out of there)
1630. Do you have a guardian angel?
gee, i don't know
1631. Do you smoke?
1632. Who is more successful, Bill gates or Mother Theresa?
mother theresa, definately
1633. What band T-shirts do you own?
it's not band tee shirts, it's musical tee shirts, and i own ones from aida, ragtime, cats, hairspray, greace, the wizard of oz, wicked...and yeah
1634. What is your favorite thing that is red?
hmm...my light up feather boa.
1635. Have you ever worn mismatched socks on purpose?
hell yes
1636. Do you check nutrition labels?
occasionally, it usually doesn't affect my eating the food though
1637. Most Mcdonalds value meals are about 1,500 calories (the amount of calories an average person needs in one whole day) and over 1,000 of those calories are from fat. What do you think about this?
oh lord. ew. never eating that again.
1638. If you could delete someone's diary would you if:
They didn't agree with you? no
They were rude/obnoxious to you? no
They wrote rude entries? no, dude it's their stuff....
1639. Have you ever worn:
A dress? uh, yeah
A skirt? yes
A tie? yep
1640. Do you trust people at restraunts who handle your food that they aren't doing anything gross to it while you can't see them?
yeah, they are under like a contract not to do that
1641. How do you wear your hair each day?
um...curly or straight...usually i wear it in a low messy bun
1642. Have you ever worn
High heels? yep
Combat boots? haha no
A belt? duh
A hat? yessereebob
1643. Would you be willing to go hang gliding?
1644. What is the difference between a man's button down shirt and a woman's button down shirt?
woman's comes in more at the waiste or something like that.
1645. Have you ever taken a lock of someone else's hair?
haha nah
1646. Have you ever given anyone a lock of your hair?
1647. If you had a locket what would you put inside?
no idea. a picture of my friends
1648. Is blood a turn on for you? nah
1649. Have you ever written anything in your own blood? yep
1650. Have you ever drank, slurped or licked someone's blood? ewwwy no
1651. Does your school have any spirit days (like pajama day or crazy hat day)?
only if you are a lameass sports person
1652. Imagine there is a girl at your school who hasn't got a boyfriend and wants to take her best friend from another school to the prom. This best friend is also a girl. She is told by the school that she cannot take a girl to the prom. How do you feel about this?
God that's terrible. i would boycott.
1653. Is animal testing more necessary or cruel?
only good with things that will definately not hurt the animal (mostly cruel though because there is no sure way to know)
1654. What is one thing that should never be legal?
death penalty
1655. What is one thing that should always be legal?
1656. What is one thing someone can say which would make you look down on them?
"that's so gay"
1657. What is the best theme park you have ever been to?
six flags, yo
1658. What is the worst theme park you have ever been to?
dunno, that crappy board walk one in NJ
1659. If it were your destiny to save the world would you fight it or would you embrace it and why? embrace...i wish i could save the world
1660. What is your grade point average?
good question, i wanna find that out
1661. Are you attracted by risk taking?
1662. How would you feel if you knew that after your death, your body would be used for medical dissection?
sure whatever...as long as i can still have a gravestone for rememberance of whatever
1663. What is your favorite role played by Keanu Reeves?
ryah's dad.
1664. Do you appreciate rap music?
who said it was music?
1665. Under what circumstances would you go home with a stranger?
not sure
1666. Is $9.50 (about 5.6 pounds) a reasonable price for a movie ticket?
i hate it.
1667. What is your reaction to pop up ads?
sometimes they are amusing, but in excess fucking annoying
1668. What quality do you value most highly in others?
no idea, it changes between people
1669. What is your opinion of the current political climate in your country?
1670. In some high schools attendance of pep rallies is mandatory. How would you feel in this situation?
this IS my situation. last year i left early from one and just didn't go to one. this year i was sick on the day of it. i just try to avoid it anyways.
1671. Could you possibly fall in love with a prostitute?
*sigh* moulin rouge
1672. What do you think of these names:
Elton: meh..
Billy: cool
Dwayne: teehee
Betsy: oldish
Liz: nice
Linda: eh
1673. What is one situation you want to avoid ever happening to you?
oh, i have no idea...
1674. Low fat or fat free?
fat free
1675. Are you cowardly?
1676. Do you ever feel less than fresh?
haha wtf?!
1677. Whose number is 867-5309?
it's in a song, i forget which
1678. Have you ever written something on a bathroom wall?
1679. When was the last time you fell down in public?
haha today
1680. Are you more aggressive or mellow?
umm somewhere in between
1681. What have you done with your self to keep your life worth living?
umm...i don't get this question
1682. What is the most incredible thing you can do?
oooh, ooh, walk on my hands!
1683. Do you bury your pets, flush them, or throw them away?
bury mammals/birds, flush fish, throw away hermit crabs and whatnot
1684. Do you get embarrassed when someone shows off baby pictures of you?
as long as they are fully clothed
1685. Who has made the biggest sacrifice for you?
probobly my parents
1686. What's your favorite thing that is yellow?
I like caution tape!
1687. Do you take any vitamins or drugs?
1688. What's the coolest HTML code you know?
this one
1689. If you had to change your diary name what would you change it to?
something with mims
1690. Do you want to grow old with someone?
1691. Do you ever read entries titled 'leave notes'?
havnt seen any like that?
1692. Do you ever read entries titled 'please read'?
no one does that
1693. Have you ever played Dungeons and Dragons?
it's on my list.
1694. Have you ever played Magic the Gathering?
i tried once. i failed. miserably.
1695. Have you ever played Vampire the Masquerade?
What on the hell is that?
1696. Have you ever played Risk?
1697. Of the above mentioned four games which one is most appealing to you?
1698. What have you complained for so long about having to do that you could've accomplished it by the time you were finished complaining?
haha lots of things
1699. When was the last time you went out of your way to be cheerful and friendly, even when you felt like punching everyone around you?
umm...dunno don't feel like thinking about it
1700. Do you treat others better or worse than yourself and why?
no idea
1701. How will tomorrow be like today?
i will go to school...wear cloths....
1702. How would you react if a stranger pinched your bottom?
pretend to not notice it
1703. When was the last time you went on a date?
define date.
1704. Have you ever ridden a horse?
1706. What is almost over?
the time i have to do my homework...fuck.
1707. What should you be doing that you are putting off?
hmm now that you mention it...HOMEWORK! i think this is a sign. i'll finish this later. brb
1708. How much would you have to change physically before you would no longer be yourself anymore?
a lot
1709. How much would you have to change mentally before you would no longer be yourself anymore?
a great deal
1710. Would you rather be famous or notorious?
1711. Would you rather have a necklace that's dripping with diamonds or a blueberry farm? blueberry farm
1712. Could you take first place in a beauty contest?
haha no
1713. Who is the biggest hypocrite you know and why?
george w bush! gah!
1714. Would you consider yourself to be more opinionated or bitchy?
idn...opinionated i guess
1715. How long is it until your next day off?
weekend is only 3 more days
1716. What sound is annoying you right now?
i'm masticating with my mouth open, sorry rah
1717. Imagine you're taking a vacation with 5 people.
Who are they?
ryah, ian, vartan, yolycia and becbec
1718. The five of you travel by plane. Suddenly your plane crashes down over snowy mountains. The pilot and the air crew and all the other passengers die.
The only way for you to survive is for one of you to get eaten by the others. Who will it be?
gah, way to ruin the question. i would sacrafice myself.
1719. Anorexia and obesity are two life threatening eating related disorders. Why is it that when it is discovered that someone is an anorexic they are rushed to the hospital, but when someone is obese they are not rushed to the hospital?
because people care more about appearance and people don't care about obese people and that sucks and is a human weakness and goddamn them.
1720. Who is your favorite smurf?
papa smurf definately (he films all the orgies ^__')
1721. Why do you do things that you know are bad for you?
none of your business
1722. How many times have you gotten an A in a class?
just because i'm wasting time doing this survey doesn't mean i'm lame enough to count my As
1723. What food group do you eat the most of (bread and pasta, meats and eggs and fish, fruits and vegetables, milk and cheese, sugar and butter)?
bread and pasta...damn carbs
1724. Who is the most adorable person you know?
1725. If you had to spend a half hour locked in a dark closet with someone from school or work that you don't normally hang out with who would you want it to be?
ben franklin ;) (yes, we all have our code names with emma)
1726. How often do you masturbate in a week?
uh, never?
1727. In the USA people work a full third of the year for the government, due to taxes. How do you feel about this?
if it means we will be a good country then so be it. (see i'm not a total capitilist)
1728. Should people be allowed to use cell phones in their cars?
yes, damn you new york
1729. Have you ever been in the room while a human baby was born?
1730. Have you ever been in the room while an animal baby was born?
once i watched a cacoon hatch but that prolly doesn't count
1731. Did you see the video The Miracle of Life in school?
don't remember
1732. How do you feel about having a baby?
dunno yet
1733. Have you ever had a tooth pulled?
1734. Who are you waiting for an email/call/note/visit from?
no one in particular
1735. What are you counting the days until?
school ends. chanukah....hamlet
1736. What is the greatest temptation for you?
quick, to the insesteous bed! (i have no idea...)
1737. How do you resist it?
" "
1738. Who is your knight in shining armor?
vartan isn't that lame, he's better than that
1739. If you were walking and someone behind you yelled "HEY YOU!" would you turn around? haha yes
1740. Do loud noises make you tense?
at first, but then i usually get used to it
1741. Has anyone ever told you that your epidermis was showing?
aha no
1742. Would you rather work or stay home with the baby?
probobly work, depending on the kind
1743. Would you rather have people agree with you all the time or tell you the honest truth?
1744. Will you/have you gone to your high school reunion?
1745. What do you think of your yearbook picture?
haha i look so fucked up
1746. Are you more of a hunter or a gatherer?
though i may look it i am not a neanderthal
1747. If you ever were to visit Hershey Park, the theme park based on the chocolate candy, would you enjoy going to the spa where you can be treated to a whipped cocoa bath, a milk and honey bath, or simply a chocolate fondue skin wrap?
um. i'm not big on chocolate
1748. If someone asks you to read a poem they wrote, will you really take your time to try and understand what they wrote and tell them what you think or just read it quickly and tell them that its really good?
1749. Do you feel that if a coincidence occurs it means something?
1750. Were you beautiful as a child? no, a lot of people say i was though, but i was fucking cool though i ate wet cat food and rocks and we have home videos of me closing and opening doors for hours on end
1751. Do you think that it is okay for a homosexual or a woman to become a priest? yes
1752. Which would you rather give up forever, religion or sex? religion
1753. What comes to mind when you think of these places:
Canada? pierre (had to go with rahrah on this one)
UK? austin powers
USA? my locker (i have no idea)
Australia? the crocadile hunter
Germany? the producers
Italy? the madrigals costumes
1754. What does your favorite bumper sticker say?
drama queen (looks like dairy queen)
1755. Have you ever taken a shower with another person?
yeah with friends. in bathing suits. i'm not that sketchy.
1756. What bath toys do you have, if any?
haha none anymore
1757. Would you rather propose to someone you love or would you rather be proposed to by someone you love?
proposed to
1758. How can you reject someone nicely?
no idea
1759. What kinds of diary names make you interested enough to check out the diary?
1760. What do you think are three common passwords people use to secure their diaries?
name, 111111, favorite season
1761. Pick an object in the room.
my ceiling fan
Give that object a name.
george. (i name everything george)
1762. What is the quickest way to make you blush?
if i do something stupid and people know
1763. Do you usually feel that you deserve it when other people compliment you?
meh sometimes
1764. If you were to start your own business what kind of business do you think it might be?
something theater-related
1765. What is one of your pet peeves?
PLUS AND MINUS IS WRONG! you don't PLUS something from something you ADD it you idiot. and you don't MINUS it from something either, u SUBTRACT. goddamnit!
1766. What question do you get asked too frequently?
why are you still wearing your sweatshirt?
1767. You notice a ring is priced $40.00, but the cashier only charges you $10.00. Do you mention this to the cashier?
i would probobly just think it's a discount or something
1768. Could a kiss on the ___ be considered cheating?
Cheek? then i would be a bloody whore
Lips? yeah
Nose? haha no, not really
Hand? nah
Ear? lol yeah
Neck? yes
1769. Would it bother you if your lover occasionally flirted with others?
probobly not too much, people flirt with vartan all the time ;)
1770. How long has it been since you last played truth or dare?
1771. Should people who are living now be obligated to do things that will make the world better for people who will live 100 years from now?
not unless they want to
1772. Imagine you have a dream in which someone you care for acts mean to you. Is it possible you will still be angry with this person when you wake up?
usually at first, but then i get over it
1773. Have you ever left someone a note with a picture in it?
lol yeah, that's a random question
If yes, how do you do it?
1774. What do you fear more, death or pain?
1775. Are the questions still interesting this far into the survey?
surprisingly yes, i commend you, you make me procrastinate well
1776. Do you like the cartoon Inspector Gadget?
haha ive only seen it like twice but sure
1777. You know how Gadget wears the same outfit all the time, and his closet is full of outfits that are exactly identical to the one he wears? If your closet was full of just one outfit that you had to wear everyday what would it be like?
jeans, tank top and sweatshirt
1778. Would you rather time travel to the future or the past?
1779. Would you rather know how the world began or how it will end?
1780. Would you rather meet your ancient ancestors or your great great great great great great grandchildren?
1781. Out of these 4 which is most important (1=most, 2= second most, 3 = 3rd most, 4 = least)?
Curing diseases such as aids, cancer: 1
Preserving wildlife areas: 3 (i really think it's tied for 2)
Ending terrorism: 2
Building colonies in space: 4
1782. In your opinion is every child entitled to a good education?
of course
1783. What news item are you tired of hearing about?
the election. gah.
1784. Speaking of 9/11 the anniversary is coming up. What will you be doing?
it was coming up last month. i did nothing special. but whenever it is 9:11 on my clock i say a little prayer. yep, i'm cool.
1785. If this were a recipe for you, how would it go?
2 cups: curiosity
1 cup: theater
1/2 cup: emo
A pinch of: bounce
A dash of: music
Mix well and bake until: ready?
Add: whipped cream (no dirty joke intended)
Serve: cold
1786. Which of the following would YOU be more likely to survive:
A fall from a 3 story building
Driving a car into the water
1787. What philosophy was manifested in the communist manifesto?
oh, oh wait, i know this. damnit. noo it's too late.
1788. Who is your exact opposite?
that bitchy girl lianne. ew.
1789. Would you rather have serenity or insanity?
1790. What do these phrases mean?
Moulin Rougue: red windmill (you spelled it wrong, dumbfuck)
Le voyage sur le bateau: travel by boat
Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir: do you want to go to bed withn me tonight?
1791. What is the longest distance you have ever walked?
no idea
1792. The ancient Greek philosopher Plato believes that beauty truth and justice all basically mean the same thing. What are your feelings about this?
meh, generally, they are all good qualities, but some are more important than others
1793. How did you first begin to assert yourself as independent from your parents?
something relating to rap music back in 6th grade or something (eww)
1794. If you had a magic bracelet, would you use it to gain luck, money, health, creativity or love?
uhh...idn...money. but only because society is corrupt and i would need it.
1795. What would you do if every time you used your magic bracelet something bad would happen to someone else?
not use it
1796. This is a story about a girl. While at the funeral of her own mother, she met a guy whom she did not know. She thought this guy was amazing, so much her dream guy she believed him to be that she fell in love with him then and there, although she didn't even see him after the funeral ended. A few days later, the girl killed her own sister.
What is her motive for killing her sister?
it's her father. it's called the oedepus theory or something like that. she killed her mother too.
1797. Have you ever intentionally hurt someone’s feelings?
sadly, who hasn't?
1798. What do you think of the band Franz Ferdinand?
1799. What do you think of the band Modest Mouse?
1800. What do you think of Morrissey?