Ooo.. the ben folds shin dig was excellent... it was soo much better
than i had imagined. i thought he would just be an old boring guy
now, but hes completely the opposite. the show had so much energy
and the crowd was awesome. it was a very pleasant experience
see closet_case_05's latest entry for all the nitty gritty and some
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watch 'phish it' in its entireity in one sitting start band practice again go on a date learn that jazz song in that magazine finish art painting go to art banquet clean room
so i was bored and was watching the oc today at my grandparents, and with perfect timing at the end, the two lesbians started making out on the beach and my mom and grandma were sitting at the table playing cards and looked over and commented.... *awk-ward
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uch, i feel sick, im in one of those bad moods where everything pisses me off i need a vacation, and i can not wait for this weekend on a happier note, im doing this painting in art, i heart it...