1) When I was in France, a Welsh kid in our group once said to me 'bloody hell your nipples are massive!' and since then i believed I had large than average nipples
2) When I was 11 in a creative writing class, a guy I knew Ankur had wrote a piece of prose which substituted every adjective he could for another in the thesaurus which I thought was him stumbling across the secret of great create writing. I was a wannabe creative writer at the time and I thought he had come upon the secret of success, substituting little words for bigger ones. I was so jealous I yelled out to the teacher 'he's cheating!' pointing accusedly to the thesaurus in his hand. All I received was a blank look from my teacher.
3) When I was younger, I refused to most read books because I thought nothing was of as great literary value as Final Fantasy was. Until Final Fantasy was to be widely accepted as great literature in its own right, I felt reading books would lower my appreciation for the worlds that Final Fantasy presented to me. Those books would make me think their version of beauty was the definitive. I didn't want anyone convincing me that Act II Scene I Lines 2-6 of Othello was brilliant, I wanted to make my own mind up, and not be corrupted by the masses. The masses didn't appreciate Final Fantasy, so something must be wrong with THEM.
4) Despite dropping out of History at Uni, I have an obsession with 20th century military history and could give lectures all day on the Cold War, and the World Wars. Just two days ago I was explaining the Cold War for a good 15 minutes to Muv with a giant map of Europe on the wall.
5) When I was about 5 I used to participate in kiss-chase and deliberately fall over or run faster depending on the attractiveness of the girl behind me.
6) Without realising I debate to myself quite frequently whether it's more advantageous to be a man rather than a woman. Men have it better in regards to presupposed intelligence, shaving, and childbirth, but then (attractive) women have key advantages such as being assured that men will always make the first move, and being able to coerce men into doing pretty much anything just by smiling sweetly. And think about how often you see men suck up to a pretty face just because the woman is hot. The gender battle in my book ends in a clear draw.
7) I came 4th in the London under 17 championship final. I can run like a cheetah. I am again now working excessively on getting to a simliar fitness level.
8) I have recurring dreams of failing my A Levels, even though I sat my A Levels nearly 3 years ago now. I suppose of all the things I've been stressed for in my life, none other has rivalled how badly my body was destroying itself from the stress I put myself under studying last minute after not doing so much work the rest of the year. Even recently, though, I've woke up in a near cold sweat taking up to 5 minutes convincing myself that I haven't failed English Literature and that I'm not going to University :(
9) I regret not having made more of being in Ohio. To be honest, yes, it wasn't the greatest place in the world, but I could have done more and have more stories to tell. I don't beat myself that badly over it though, really, as I was only getting used to daily migraine for the first time and I gave everything I had into making a relationship work out that eventually didn't being the idealistic romantic that I am. So no regrets there, I have pleasant dreams until the A Levels kick in..
10) Despite most people knowing me for my humour and/or their fun times with me, I feel that my deep serious talking side is so much more developed than how funny and how good I am at creating a good time.
11) Quite a few people know me and think of my unusual relationship I have with my mum. Muv is brilliant, without her I would be nothing of the person I am, and I am grateful of the person I've become. Despite the easy assumption, our family isn't rich, we've lived in the shitty parts of east london, all of our lives. Given that alone, the demographics of those surrounding us are at complete odds with how muv tried to raise me and my brother Thomas. We weren't rich at all, so we didn't get everything or even near everything of what we wanted, but we always had it easy, we lived way above our class levels, and muv taught us to appreciate everything we got. I don't remember Muv ever being all that warm to me, hugging me, sitting next to me, telling me things are gonna be okay and reading a book to me or any of that, that's because she was a completely different breed of parent. Instead of hugging me or doing cute parental stuff, she'd do everything in her power to help me do something. If I had an issue with a teacher at school, she'd come in and sort it out for me. If I felt like I couldn't do something, she wouldn't say 'come on James, you can do it!' with a big smiley face she was always more of a coach to me instead, saying or suggesting 'don't be weak, if they can do it, you can do it' with a stern face, and giving me strength in a different way. She gave me strength in a way sometimes that I even resented, she would often ridicule me for feeling the pressure of a certain situation, but her way forced me not to be a push over and to not need words of encouragement (most of the time) to get something done, so I see her logic. Even now sometimes I look back and I want to resent some aspect of my childhood, and to some extent I do wish things had been different, I would have liked my muv to be more of a mum at times and less of a coach, providing me whatever financial or inspiration I needed, and instead been more there emotionally instead. Even now, with my headaches, she forks out the money to pay privately for neurologists when it's not at all easy for her, will research for hours on end if need be, but won't do something as simple as come into my room when I'm laying down hurting/ feeling low and say 'James, it'll get better/hope you get better/' or anything emotional at all. And she almost never has. It's annoying sometimes. Her response when I confront her about it is 'I do so much for you, it shouldn't be important". Hmm. That's me being picky and maybe that'll change the more I talk to her about it. But I am hardly a perfect son, and I am really grateful for what I have and everything she's ever done for me and will do my best to pay her back someday.
That got longer than I expected..
12) I have an obsession with singing my lungs out on a busy main road or on the tube with one headphone in my left ear and my right ear free to hear myself. I go all out and could care less if anyone could hear me, mostly because it's unlikely anyone could hear me. I even have a playlist on my Ipod for the occasion! Most recent overplayed track for that occassion is: Obadiah Parker - Hey Ya
13) I'm a firm believer that 21 year old women are in their prime of how attactive they are, yet also in their prime for how ignorant they are of this fact. I will make use of this knowledge into allowing me to talk to the most gorgeous women in the bar when resuming University in September.
14) I have yet to put this into practice, and don't know if it will happen anytime soon, if ever, but I can't imagine dating a girl just because she's hot. If a woman resembles anything of a slag -- no brain, loud mouth, big bouncy jiggy breasts inappropiately displayed, there's just no chance I'll feel anything, and I have to feel something you know. A hot woman becomes infinitely more hot if I can connect with conversation, and that's the way it should be.
15) And to finish this off, I would to say that the single greatest moment of my life up to this point would have to be going to see The Mad Capsule Markets at the Carling Academy Islington 06/12/04. Me and Dan that night were more stoked than I've ever seen anyone be about anything. It was such a pain to get there, with all the underground closures and the lack of black cabs (since when can you not find a cab?) but when getting past that, and past the utter turd that was the support, McQueen, the Mad Caps opening with the fist pumping and dancing and the techno bleeps meshed with crunching guitar warping the soul. We were taken to a far off world, the place where I'll return to someday, and it was spiritual. Kyono "are we funning have?!" and Takeshi signs to Dan provided short breaks to come back to reality when Dan and I would look at each other, sometimes not even say anything and our faces would just say it all. Writing this now makes me think, how can you going on living a normal life after that. Come back Mad Caps!
The last few months I've been coping better with daily migraine better than I ever have, but then the last week although I have still managed to Muay Thai-it has been pretty terrible really often. Coincidentially, it's my 2 year anniversary with migraine and I have a Greater Occipital Nerve Block injection next Tuesday at 10am which could spell the end of about 80% of my pain, if it works, and how it will be very easy to tell given the severity of attacks atm. The injection is a steriod and an anaesthetic combined to basically block the signal telling my brain there's pain because I'm not a shaolin legend who can walk over burning coals. Wish me luck that it works and I don't die. I'm not apprehensive in the slightest, but muv is scared I'll die, so yeah. If it works, it will be the first thing I've ever tried that has worked EVER so expect major caps lock spammage with pics of various things that may be of request.