Tagged by both
elffingqueen and
kasumi24 .
Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 random things, facts, goals, or habits about yourself. At the end, choose 10 people to be tagged, listing their names & why you chose them. You can't tag a person who has tagged you.
01. I have a fobia of not looking good or being called fat. Gaining weight causes me
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Comments 3
Ja oot niiiin oikeassa tosta uskontoasiasta!! Oon havainnut saman. Outoa, et miten ihmistä pidetään heti jotenkin vajukkina, jos se sanoo uskovansa Jumalaan. Rasittavaa.
Ramble ramble ramble.
(back to material business XDDDD)
I've grown mentally in sense that I've accepted my fatty little tummy :DDD I don't like my chin or nose or knees(!) but I like my soft, wobbly stomach^o^ Maybe because certain someone likes it too? Dunno. Happy, healthy and round, that's me~~
Big Brother is from teh satan himself ;___;
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