Ok, I was finally going to do a proper entry but I couldn't really figure out what to say. I had two messed up exams this week and today I made lasagnea for the first time ever. It turned out gooood. ♥ Tomorrow I plan to bake. That's pretty much all that's happened lately.
So, what I'm going to write about today is... Television proggrams! Yay!
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Comments 2
THAT EPISODE OF HOUSE WAS INCREDIBLE! I lolled so hard. xD Like, who else would try to steal a parking space from a woman in a wheelchair by pretending to in one too. Genious. xD
I always get sick of Idols at this point since now it's a popularity contest whereas before they got on by pure talent. :/ But I like listening to teh judges, Jone. \o/
I CAN'T WAIT TILL MONDAY. Gosh, so addicted.^o^ (And so is Arttu. xD)
They can't lose Mike! D:
But where has the guy that plays Edie's husband been before? He creeps me out.
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