
Mar 06, 2006 11:03

"section" survey

Ever really cried your heart out? no
Ever cried yourself to sleep?: yea
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: yea
Ever cried over the opposite sex?: yea
Do you cry when you get an injury?: i did a couple times
Do certain songs make you cry?: 3 used to... now only 1 does... if i'm in a cruddy mood and then i hear it
Are you a happy person?: yea
What can make you happy?: being around other people
Do you wish you were happier?: can't get much happier than this :D
Is being happy overrated?: no way
Can music make you happy?: haha... of course!
How many times has your heart been broken?: once... but maybe that doesn't count
Has anyone besides friends/family ever said 'I love you' to you?: no
Who do you actually hate?: Satan
Ever made a hit list?: no
Have you ever been on a hit list? maybe... i hope not though
Are you a mean bully?: no
Do you hate George Bush?: no... but he has his dumb moments

Is your self-esteem extremely low?: not extremely but it's pretty down there sometimes
Do you believe in youself? for the most part
do you wish you were someone else? nah... i think about it sometimes... but not wish for it
What is your current hair color?: auburn
Whats your natural color?: auburn
What color are your eyes?: eyes
Current Piercings: two... one in each ear
Straight Hair or Curly: naturaly curly-ish
What shirt are you wearing? orange weathervane field hockey t-shirt and the orange boston sweatshirt jason gave me
Pants: blue sweatpants with orange/white stripe going down the side... found them at a frisbee tourney in delaware
Shoes: sneakers melvin finally gave back to me
Necklaces: key to my heart from dannielle
Coffee or Hot Cocoa: hot cocoa
Wild Night out or Romantic Night: romantic
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
Hummer or Sports Car? sports car
Bracelet or Necklace: necklace
History or Science: well... i'm a science MAJOR, but history if it's something i'm interested in
Beach or Boardwalk: beach
Hoodie or Tee Shirt: hoodies
Night or Day: night
High School or college: high school
Simple Plan or Good Charlotte: niether

Kissed the same Sex?: no... on the cheek, yes
Hugged someone?: all the time!! mmmmmm, bear hugs
Been on the phone until the sun came up?: no
Got in a fight with someone?: yea
last hug?: grant
last kiss?: keith
person you talked to in person?: erin from chem
person you talked to online?: carolann and tyler
person you talked to on the phone?: dannielle
drink?: apple juice
laugh?: emily
Do you like surveys: apparantly
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Alberto VO5
Do you get along with your parents? yea... for the most part
Are you old enough to vote?: yea
Do you have mental breakdowns? not for a while
Did you ever tell your parents you didn't feel good so you didn't have to go to school?: no... perfect attendance since 8th except for 2 college visit days senior year

Current Mood: happy
Current Annoyance: sleepy
Current Longing: to get a huge bear hug
Current Thing I Ought To Be Doing: studying prolly
Current Windows Open: aim, media player, hotmail, this, 2 word documents
Current Music: Frankie Vallie- Can't Take My Eyes Off You
Current Book: The Bible (for forever) and The Nanny Diaries (still)
Current CD in stereo: I don't have a stereo at school... sorry
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