Nelsonville Ohio aka Middle of Nowhere
When I got there I met Mr.Pimpin Kittie (Me Mr.Pimpin And Christy)
Christy and my self decided to make b-day cakes for each other since we would not be together to celebrate our b-days ( My cake on the left before it was baked and Christys on the right)
The final results =] (Christys cake on the left mine on the right)
Christy and I at the Party we had at her house
Christy hung over cleaning up after the party. In fact we picked up 250 beer cans lol and I took this pic cause she was pullin her pants all the way up and it was sooo funny lookin =]
Then the night before I left we were bored and wanted to play cards, but in Nelsonville Ohio everything you do MUST include drinking ..
So at the end of every game person with the least amount of matches had to take a shot .. and well I lost most of the games LOL
Then I met my LOVE .. THE FISH he was so sexy =]
Yes I loved him VERY much I couldent keep my lips off of him ;-)
Before I left we had to stop and grub!!
And yes we took these on purpose DUH
Christy in a suit we saw at Marshalls .. we had to kill sometime before I got on my flight
Christy in Marshall's still waisting time ...
Me in this corset we saw that looked cute so I put it on
Christy in the same one but in pink
So those are the pics fom Ohio when I went to see my Sis <333