Title: Under the Mistletoe
Pairing: John/Elizabeth
Rating: PG - 13
Genre: fluff
Spoilers: None really
Beta: the brilliant
xakliaaeryn Summary: The city was sparkling...
Disclaimer: Stargate Atlantis belongs to MGM.
Sorry it's late - I thought I had to send it in - didn't realise I could just post (I am claiming a blonde moment or two)
Have a wonderful Christmas all you sparky shippers!
“Remind me again why I agreed to help when there are so many more important things I could be doing,” Rodney whined as he helped John manoeuvre a tree into Elizabeth’s office.
“Because” John began once again, “the rest of the city looks Christmassy and this office is out of place.”
“I don’t see why we have to have Christmas at all.”
“Because when the Athosians learnt about the Deadalus not making it here in time they went out of their way to make sure we could celebrate and we’re grateful,” John stressed talking slowly as if to a petulant child.
Rodney huffed, “Everybody’s gone crazy. Even Zelenka’s decorated the lab. I keep finding that sparkling tinsel stuff all over the place.”
John couldn’t hide the grin as he imagined the talking to Zelenka and the rest had gotten when that had happened. Though he couldn’t help notice that despite the protests Rodney hadn’t taken down any of the decorations, which were apparently in his way.
“Besides,” Rodney continued, oblivious to John’s amusement, “if Elizabeth wanted her office decorated wouldn’t she have done it already?”
John’s smile disappeared and he glared at Rodney, “You know I think I can manage alone now just fine.”
“Are you sure?” Rodney asked, already moving towards the door. “Because you know I don’t really mind...”
At John’s nod he disappeared leaving John alone with a giant tree and two boxes full of decorations. Well, he thought, too late now.
Two hours later, as John looked around the now colourful and sparkly office, he had to admit he was pretty impressed with his accomplishment. The tree, although not a green Christmas tree, was a red bushy tree and looked good with the Athosian decorations all over it. He still didn’t know how to top the tree but figured he’d have a good few hours until Elizabeth returned from her meeting.
“Exactly when did Santa explode all over my office?” a familiar amused voice asked from behind him.
Turning he looked at Elizabeth sheepishly, “Ummm well...” he raised his hand to scratch at the back of his head.
Shaking her head Elizabeth moved over to her desk, sweeping the ‘tinsel’ to one side, she set down her papers and PDA. Looking up she raised an eyebrow at John, “Did you need something Colonel?”
“Uh no I’ll just...go,” John left Elizabeth’s office confused and unsure about what had just happened. Shaking his head he figured she’d tell him later, now there was just one thing left for him to do.
Elizabeth sighed as she finally reached her quarters, her day had mainly consisted of meeting after meeting, and apparently the fact that it was almost Christmas didn’t stop the workload from mounting. She smiled as she opened her door, if it hadn’t been for John’s random decorating spree she wasn’t sure she would have gotten through the day without killing anyone. She stepped through the door and was immediately swept into a strong embrace, followed by a passion filled kiss.
When they eventually parted for air Elizabeth looked at John giddily, “Any particular reason for that or...?” she asked, now smiling happily.
“Look up” was all John said pointing with his finger.
As she followed his lead Elizabeth’s grin grew even larger, “I take it that is the Athosian version of mistletoe.”
John shrugged before pulled Lizzie further into the room, “This is the only room I’ve put it up in. Teyla found it for me.”
Elizabeth smiled as she moved away from John momentarily to remove her jacket and shoes, “Remind me to thank her later,” she said over her shoulder.
“A lot later,” he growled into her neck as he came to stand behind her.
“Oh really?” Elizabeth challenged as she turned in his arms to face him, “And what do you have in mind until then?”
“Oh I think I can come up with something,” he replied as he tumbled her onto the bed, which she now realised was also covered in mistletoe. She burst into laughter as she realised in addition he had also stuck them onto the ceiling.
“Covering all bases were you?” she said still giggling, before moaning as John started placing kisses along her neck.
“Wanted to make sure you weren’t upset with me for your office earlier,” he replied before going back to working on her neck.
“Mmmm no,” Elizabeth tried to reply, “Not at all. It was wonderful.”
John grinned against her skin as he rolled his palm over her covered breast, “Well in that case we’ll have to think of a way for you to thank
Elizabeth moaned her agreement; her last coherent thought was that Christmas was fast becoming her favourite holiday.