You are 14 = Dabbler, 14 = Beginner, 14 = Seasoned, 50 = Master
Master: You have an ADVANCED understanding of the tarot, its hisory,
how it is used & what to do with the top of your head. You
may be a student of the Occult, a Psychic, or someone who really really
reads a lot! If you're at this stage - you understand negative and
inverse cards, how the suits relate to eachother to change or influence
their specific meanings, and how the elements work together to
strengthen or weaken the influence of specific energies. You also know
to pay attention when a Higher Arcana cards pops up as it is an energy
of Cosmic force. You're the one friends come to when they need an
honest reading and because of your understanding of the cards, their
history, connection to astrology and the like - you tend to be better
than 75% accurate!
////////Seasoned: You use it frequently and MAY have read a few books
from the biography in the back of your tarot interpretation book. I bet
you can remember the meanings of MANY of the cards in MOST readings off
the top of your head but resort to using the guide book when you're
stumped with a powerful reading. Your accuracy is probably about 70/30
since you interpret the cards at face value without getting much more
in depth. This may cause you to miss some of the deeper vibes that the
cards show when you learn to interpret them in combination.
////////Beginner: You use it every once in a while but you probably
don't know or understand it as much more than a fun past time or game
though. You're a reader that does it for entertainment mostly and you
still use a guide book 90% of the time to decipher the meanings of the
cards as you're pretty lost without it. Your accuracy is probably on
the lower end so you more than likely read ONLY for yourself or friends
that know you're still learning and to not take it too seriously at
this point.
////////Dabbler: Dabblers tend to be dangerous. Maybe you use the deck
when you'r only in a crisis and need something other than your own mind
and heart to tell you what's up. Start slowly with three card spreads:
past..present..and future. There is a wealth of books available on howe
to use the tarot. Just check out any well-stocked bookstore occult
section. Learn the Higher Arcana first..THEN move to the Lower Arcana.
If you master the Higher Arcana (Divine forces)..the Lower Arcana's
(Earthly Forces) will be much easier to interpret. You DO need A Lot of
work and study before you really get the hang of it but every Master
started somewhere.
My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 94% on Dabbler
You scored higher than 82% on Beginner
You scored higher than 68% on Seasoned
You scored higher than 5% on Master
The Do you know the Tarot? Test written by
anubisankh1031 on
Ok Cupid, home of the
32-Type Dating Test Pagan-Interested
You are 51% Paganism Expert!
You are interested in Paganism, or at least your knowledge suggests you
are. You know the basics, like the fact that Paganism tends to be
polytheistic, and that it usually focuses on the four or five elements.
Maybe you just don't completely remember which gods are from which
mythology. At any rate, keep up the good work, sing to the moon, and
maybe you'll become a Pagan-buff! Don't forget to take my two other
spiritual tests:
Spirit Animal Test Sitakaliism Test, my political test:
The Liberal Test, and my
Biology Test My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 14% on Pagan Expert
The Paganism Test written by
sitakali on
Ok Cupid, home of the
32-Type Dating Test You scored 11 Intelligence, 13 Wisdom, and 6 Charisma!
All stats are based on the original D&D system of 3-18. 3 being
tragically weak and 18 being olympic level ability. Odds are you will
be more towards the middle for most things (the middle being 10-11), as
that is where most people should be. If you scored above 18 in any
skill, I highly suggest you go back and read the directions closer.
Especially if you scored above an 18 intelligence, you need to take the
test over and only answer ONCE on the first page. Taken properly, it is
not possible to get above an 18 on any stat, unless you' over 70 years
old. Get the other half of your stats at
this companion test.
I am open to suggestions for improving this test. Please message
me if you think I am not taking something into account, or have any
questions for how I calculated scores.
My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 4% on Intelligence
You scored higher than 39% on Wisdom
You scored higher than 7% on Charisma
The D&D stats - Mental Test written by
mojograham on
Ok Cupid, home of the
32-Type Dating Test You scored 8 Strength, 9 Constitution, and 10 Dexterity!
All stats are based on the original D&D system of 3-18. 3 being
tragically weak and 18 being olympic level ability. Odds are you will
be more towards the middle for most things (the middle being 10-11), as
that is where most people should be. If you scored above 18 in any
skill, I highly suggest you go back and read the directions closer.
Especially if you scored above an 18 strength, you need to take the
test over and only answer ONCE on the first page. Taken properly, it is
not possible to get above an 18 on any stat. Get the other half of your
stats at
this companion test.
I am open to suggestions for improving this test. Please message
me if you think I am not taking something into account, or have any
questions for how I calculated scores.
My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 13% on Strength
You scored higher than 5% on Constitution
You scored higher than 15% on Dexterity
The D&D stats - Physical Test written by
mojograham on
Ok Cupid, home of the
32-Type Dating Test Entry Level
Congratulations! You scored 63!
You've probably worked on a couple of shows, and may be developing a
specific area of expertise, such as carpentry, painting, lighting, etc.
You're listening and learning about new things...keep it up! Work on
more shows and pick up new tricks. And invest in a knife and
Maglite--you are ready for these symbols of techdom.
My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 17% on techpoints
The Theatre Geek Test written by
smirkette on
Ok Cupid, home of the
32-Type Dating Test