Canada is good Montreal is better Po-9 SUCK! A Cop gave me my beer back A Cop smelled something that smelled like weed (odviously) and put it back A NYS Trooper is very kind...still a pig though
My advice to all you wandering rollerbladers...skate town hall...they hate that
r.i.p mksp 1999-2006 "You were the worst park I've ever skated, I really honestly hated you sometimes, you were a real shithole, but at least you were MY shithole"~jd
kids, kids, kids. In relation to recent events that have driven me to phycotherapy, can we PLEASE stop the gossiping, and the asking, and the high school reaction. Be above that! If it effects you, YOU'LL KNOW WHAT HAPPENED, TRUST ME! ~Love & Anger, jd