epiphany en route to the library

Sep 15, 2005 07:51

Not ten minutes ago I was walking to the library and I was looking at the building and for some reason thought to myself that this is the library at my university. I'ts sort of a strange thing to say to oneself, but it made me realize that I'm in college, I'm actually here, taking classes, using their library, sitting on their benches, eating in ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

dulceridens September 15 2005, 14:49:18 UTC
I keep having the same realization - over and over again. I still can't quite grasp it. It's especially profound because I didn't think I was going to get to come to Vandy (I had resigned myself to going to Miami. Not that Miami's a bad school, but Vandy had so many things I wanted: a double major with performance, a better climate for my tastes, a campus more beautiful in the way I wanted it to be: trees galore instead of a lake and palm trees.). So, I keep walking along and then realizing that I am actually at Vanderbilt - I am actually a Vanderbilt student - I am already a part of the Blair community (that's the music school)... I am actually living on this beautiful campus that I wanted so much to live on... I am in Tennessee, not Florida... I'm taking cello lessons from Felix Wang, and I'm officially a member of his studio.............

So weird. I still can't quite figure it out. I love it, though. I realllly love it. =D


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