20x06 "Human Flesh Search Engine" Episode Discussion

Oct 30, 2009 19:58

20x06 "Human Flesh Search Engine"


Hello, it is I, a back-up moderator. I have no notes on this episode as someone asked me 45 minutes into the thing to run the discussion. However! I do have the discussion post!

[episode] 20x06 human flesh search engin, [episode discussion]

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Comments 15

live-blogging the episode, part 1 polkadotsnplaid October 31 2009, 04:01:53 UTC
Watching right now...

- ahahaha lame bernard one-liner. "looks like he missed the best shot."
- ....OOOOKAY. I DON'T NEED TO SEE V-B MAKIN OUT WITH HER BF. But HELLO, ERNIE HUDSON, plz to cue "Ghostbusters" music now.
- mmm but Jeremy looks good

makeitstopjamie points out that "Jeremy always looks good when the beard is under control." SO TRUE.

- "My job description didn't include get raped by leprechauns" .....ooookay.
- WOW VB looks different with long hair.
- Lupes and B at the NYPD car place....I like the shot of them there.
- texting while driving.......so basically, someone whose family member died in a car wreck killed him...and it had NOTHING to do with the beginning of the episode.

-Rob Cordry!
- "We are the police, Mr. Leary. And it's our job to take corrective social action." - Bernard

...yeah, I can see how he becomes the target of the internetz.
- Cordrry's totally creepy when he says "no", too


live-blogging the episode, part 2 polkadotsnplaid October 31 2009, 04:13:27 UTC
- om nom nom hotdog

Bernard: We can't prove it.
Rubirosa: Then neither can I!

makeitstopjamie: don't you know that lawyers are magic?
polkadotsnplaid: YES.
makeitstopjamie they can prove anything

- wow scene w/ wife of guy who killed himself. GO CONNIE. Aw, Connie you tried.

Bernard:Screw you.
Van Buren: I'm guessing that wasn't your mother.
Bernard: You know an hour ago, someone called me telling me I needed to go on a diet.
Lupo: Maybe that was your mother.

HAHAHAHAHA. Insensitive buuuuurrrrrrn, Lupes. Love it.

- Go Lupo with the technical babble

Bernard: What about Lupo? He's juicy.
Lupo: 4 yrs in intel - no one wants to dig through that.
Van Buren: Plus you seem to be the one they like.

Bernard: What's my screenname?
Tech: DetectiveBernard.

Lupo: Looking good - you know how to piss them off.
Bernard: My special talent.

Bernard: *typing* You're cowards and you're stupid.
Lupo: *giggle*

Lupo: Well they hate you, B. They really hate you.

- Oooooh, way to piss Bernard the hell off, guy who mentioned B's SSN being posted.


live-blogging the episode, part 3 polkadotsnplaid October 31 2009, 04:37:05 UTC
- .....satanic crap? WUT? What is this? "Happy Halloween, Love Law & Order!"

- "That man was evil. If you don't know that, you shouldn't be a policeman."

- Connie goin' in with the cops hee hee

Bernard: When you do, tell him the Cop Bully is here, with a search warrant this time."

- oooh Bernard versus Rob Cordry. KICK HIS ASS, B.
- Olivet looks weird with her hair like that. We have enough new hairdos this ep. I can only handle one thing at a time, you know.
- Olivet says she's crazy but well managed. NICE.
- plan for institutionalizing....oh, noes. Cutter still wants to charge the website.
- and OMG, Jack says something about "the world wide web" and Connie says, "they don't call it that any more." Then he says "Would you prefer wireless telegraphing?" AHAHAHA.

Jack: I know the law.

- Mike throws Jack's risky ventures back in his face

McCoy: Who are you planning to indict?
Cutter:...all of them.


Cutter: Words on the ( ... )


Re: live-blogging the episode, part 3 inanna7 October 31 2009, 05:21:45 UTC
TIGHT WHITE T-SHIRT, HELLO. AccentWatch09 - v. nice and American. Hehe. I'd have to say his accent has been pretty right on since the second episode. I'm wondering if he had difficultly with the first episode because he didn't have to speak the accent during the downtime. I know he has said it's rather difficult for him to speak with the accent. I'm guessing that it's a craft that if not practiced all the time, people notice.

"You lied to the mother of your child. Why should we believe anything you say to us now?" Oh, right, because a position in law enforcement is obviously so equal to sainthood. How could I have been so blind? I really, really did not understand what Bernard having a child had to do with the case, despite the defense's protestations to the contrary ( ... )


inanna7 October 31 2009, 04:59:01 UTC
The David Carradine reference brought back recent memories from a local pizza place billboard sign that said “Farewell, kinky grasshopper” after he passed away. If you saw most of their weekly messages, you’d probably swear these people were channeling Seth McFarlane ( ... )


polkadotsnplaid October 31 2009, 05:18:44 UTC
I think she did the "Mike!" thing out of reflex more than anything this episode - at least it seemed that way to me. If I was Cutter and that was my case, I'd be pissed, too. Yes, it was emotional, but Bernard could've blown the case if left unchecked. I think Cutter was actually in the right to yell - although you have a point in that he could've headed him off at the pass. I'm not sure he had enough time to do that, though.

sundancekid74 just brought up a good point as we're discussing this on AIM - she said:

ilovebatmansdad (1:12:03 AM): Bernard would not have stopped if only Lupo had been yelling, because they are too close
ilovebatmansdad (1:12:30 AM): Mike had to do it in order for it to stop, because he really has more authority in that situation

Also, IMO, I think he was empathetic in court - the looks on his and Connie's faces were anxious about their case but also seemed concerned for Bernard - at least to me.

One thing I’d have to say about Leary, the man who ran the website --was his smug little smile through most of the ( ... )


inanna7 October 31 2009, 05:36:19 UTC
Don't get me wrong, I understand where Cutter was coming from when he yelled at Bernard. At the same time, when Jack tells Cutter that the short list of people lining up to work with him is not because they had to thin out applicants, that should be a hint to the man. I guess that's all I'm hoping for as the season progresses. I did notice his concern for Bernard when he was on the stand and his much more subtle contempt for Leary outside. I just like to see that expanded upon a bit more.


polkadotsnplaid October 31 2009, 05:42:58 UTC
I totally laughed out loud when Jack told him that people weren't exactly lining up to work with him. I'm guessing it also has to do with his workaholic nature...which I think might also be tied into his not-always-a-people-person persona. I'd like to see that delved into more as well...hopefully we will with that upcoming ep as you mentioned!


metalchick_36 October 31 2009, 06:02:15 UTC
Loved this episode! Ernie Hudson is perfect as the Lieutenant's new boyfriend. I didn't know that was him in Ghostbusters! But I do know that he was on OZ! (kinda makes you wonder if that's the same character on L&O?)

It was no surprise that Leary's people found dirt on Bernard, I mean what cop doesn't have dirt?

It was great that Mike & Connie got back at Leary's website by doing the very same things they did, now that sure is fighting fire with fire!

Sad ending though, Bernard not knowing his own kid. Not sure if that really does make it easier, but I'll bet that he'll actually look him up on the internet.

Can't wait til next week! Are we really getting a two-parter? If we are, this is great! Cause we haven't had one since CI's "Wee in the Small Hours" Beat that SVU!


polkadotsnplaid October 31 2009, 06:13:45 UTC
There are two different blurbs for the episodes - and yet the ad made it sound like a two-parter...guess we'll have to wait and find out!!


inanna7 October 31 2009, 17:53:03 UTC
It was no surprise that Leary's people found dirt on Bernard, I mean what cop doesn't have dirt? Actually, Leary and his posse struck me as practically being thought police. They could probably find "dirt" on Mother Teresa.


inanna7 October 31 2009, 17:59:58 UTC
This sort of referring to Metalchick's post, but I wanted to make it separate because well, I just wanted to vent about the concept of human flesh search engines. At least the way it was represented in the show ( ... )


polkadotsnplaid October 31 2009, 20:01:57 UTC
I'm pretty sure it was supposed to make our blood boil. It was all about blurry lines - when you go from average Joes venting steam to a lynch mob - where are the lines, when does it stop being free speech and start being grounds for murder charges? And then, who do you charge? It's not surprising that Cutter, who is generally all about using technology to the advantage of the DA's office, is right there at the forefront, ready to charge them all to make a point. I also loved that they "fought fire with fire" and used a human flesh search engine of their own to battle Leary's ( ... )


jennib82 November 1 2009, 14:18:34 UTC
Late post is late, but I thought this was a good, solid episode highlighting a good, solid character. Loved the camaraderie between Bernard and Lupo. I really like them as a team. As usual, also loved the insight we got into Bernard's character on the stand and after, even if we got it in a totally stretched manner.

Oh, my heart breaks for Anita. That scene at the beginning was so understated and moving, and then we got to see her kick ass as usual in the precinct.

Lastly, loved some of Bernard's lines - "juicy" Lupo and otherwise. My favorite were his DetectiveBernard posts - "You're cowards AND you're stupid." Nothing better to set off a rabid internet hacker posse.

Can't wait for next week!!!


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