Dec 01, 2009 18:47

I'm meant to be working on/researching/writing my yuletide fic (which I have not even started, OMG HALP, pls tell me I'm not alone here!) but instead I am watching this clip. Over and over again. I think I love this more than life itself.

image Click to view

Despite having written Colin/Bradley a number of times, I never really truly shipped them until the part in this vid, towards the end:

Bradley: Take three. So, Colin Morgan.
Colin: Hello. *cute smiley face*
Bradley. Huh. Er. *flustered*
(johnnypurple: OMG THEMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! *squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*)

Ahem. Anyway. Moving right along. I WILL INDEED write my yuletide fic before I start any of the other stuff I am half-dying to write (more Colin/Bradley, Scully/Mulder angry sex set during the episode Under the Sea when Scully's dad dies and Wormtongue is CREEEEEEEEEPY, Scully/Starbuck hot femmeslash of random awesomitude (because Scully's dad's nickname for her was Starbuck! OMG!)... etc.)

And here, a writing meme:
Name three fics you think I will never, ever, ever write. In return (and if inspired), I will attempt to write a snippet of one of them.

this has changed my life for srs, fic ideas, vid, meme, writing, rps, crack, merlin

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