it was sad. the other day. i saw danielle and all of them and i started looking for you and then i remembered you werent here. and it was weird. and sad. and yeah. did you get my letter? because i wrote it :) i miss yooooou! later gator.
I didn't get your letter... :-( What address did you send it to? And when did you send it? IT takes a really long time to get here so don't worry. THANK YOU FOR WRITING ME A LETTER :-( Mellissa I miss you like crazy maddness!! German class is SOO MUCH LAMER with out you :-( talk to you soon xoxo
um hey I do have a screen name: swimmerchick7814 so yes deffinately im me or email me How is college agh you're soo old! I have to go but I miss seeing you around school :-( talk to you later xoxo
Oh Nikki, I miss yoU! and all your good advice and talks and stuff and when you got mad at me when people said you shouldn't and I thought it was okay because you're like my older sister and i really love you and miss you and stuff
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