Feb 19, 2016 22:57
The hotel has extended the deadline to reserve a room at the convention rates to MARCH 4th. Yes, you can reserve a room at the con rate, the day the convention starts!
Call the Crowne Plaza main reservations at (888) 233-9527
Reserve your room(s) at the Crowne Plaza Silicon Valley
and mention Consonance as the group.
filk filking consonance
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Comments 3
Since we'll be there we may as well try to take in a convention if there happens to be one?
While the SF Bay Area convention calendar is filling up, but you are here during one of the gaps.
You arrive right after BABScon (Bay Area Brony Society) My Little Pony convention.
And you leave a week before the weekend of to many cons. Gaming, Anime, Steampunk and traditional.
There is BASFA, the local SF club that meets every Monday and they do have a outing to see the San Jose Giants (Minor League Baseball team) for Star Wars day on Sat, May 14.
"While the SF Bay Area convention calendar is filling up, but you are here during one of the gaps."
{laugh!} Isn't that just the way of it - Sod's Law in operation.
"There is BASFA, the local SF club that meets every Monday and they do have a outing to see the San Jose Giants (Minor League Baseball team) for Star Wars day on Sat, May 14."
And neither of us do sports in any form.
What a shame, it looks like our honeymoon will be convention free.
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