because he's against same sex marriage, because he's against women's choice and yes, because he looks like a monkey. Oh and..because he's anti porn XP he is you know.
he has opinions, way to be closed minded. That argument might have some credibility if him personally being against something would make it illegal, which it wouldn't.
you're right, he has opinions which is fine, except as the president he holds a wee bit more power than you or I, thus he can push his opinions on the whole country which is unfair. Plus, the thing is it does make it illega sort of...If he bans Same Sex marriages because he doesn't like it, it technically makes it illegal doesn't it? And don't say he won't >.> because he's already been working on it...
it's not "he won't" its "he CAN'T" the president can't make laws, he can't ban ANYTHING. If congress votes that way, that's congress, he didn't put congress in power, voters did.
Ricky is correct. What he can do is veto any law that congress propose. Doesn't make sense, does it? Our government is specifically made so that one branch can negate another and viceversa. It prevents totalitarianism. I don't support either party, I am merely explaining part of the system. Watch School House Rock if you'd like to know more. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!!
Comments 13
(note that at this point I could really care less, because I don't live in the U.S.)
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