Bring it on Frances

Sep 05, 2004 12:33

SOoo, im sitting at home alone during this stupid ass hurricane or should i say alot of rain and wind, and no work haha.. lately ive just been blah me and heather broke up the other day :-( it really sucked i was pretty heartbroken but u know i got over it, i was mad at her, but now were talking again like nothing happened its funny.. shes a great ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

nowitsjustagame September 5 2004, 10:55:21 UTC
ill be your g/f


johoey September 6 2004, 07:20:59 UTC
nah sam ure to hot for me


coco420 September 6 2004, 09:29:19 UTC
its kool joey, at least u did it. ur too good for heather, remember that! its gay she broke up with u, but o well, you'll find the right one.


misscynthia September 6 2004, 11:02:00 UTC
Joey pimps bitches for fun!! it'll be okay :)


megalove September 6 2004, 18:19:57 UTC
Joe thanks for the call of comfort, but im fine the police didn't press any charges, just my mommys mad. but if you ever want to smoke... call me up


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