Title: Protege Moi 2/2
Pairing: Loki/Thor
Rating: R
Spoilers: If you've already seen the movie Thor then you're good.
Summary: Sometimes the only thing to do is start again.
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Warning: Contains sexual situations between males
A/N: This is the belated gift fic for
chocolate_jive hope your exams went well. Again thanks to
el_gilliath for beta'ing, seriously
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Comments 8
(And to my shame, I must admit that I have been up all night, live-streaming the oscars, and now it's 8am and I'm running on no sleep, and I don't have any brain space to actually properly read this. So I'll read it later. Yes, I will.)
And thank youuuuuu ♥ oh god, you'll get a real review with much squees later!!
Also your welcome and sorry about the delay, I can't write short fic apparently ._.
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