Orangebear & E-Style Spree #2 ::CLOSED::

May 29, 2008 09:39

♥ Fussy buyer please go away!

♥ No returns/exchange/change of order will be entertained. No cancellation of order once payment is made.

♥ Please post/email your order asap, once I’ve gather enough order, the spree maybe close earlier.

♥ No payment = NO ORDER.

♥ I will only update if there’s any.

♥ All items strictly by post only, I’ll not be responsible for lost parcels if you opt for normal local postage.

♥ I’m not responsible for any manufacture defect.

♥ Once orders submitted, order can’t be change or refund.

♥ Will NOT cancel spree even if response is poor (but be prepare shipment might be higher).

♥ Items will be distributed as soon as they arrive Singapore.

♥ We would NOT be responsible for any mistakes/monetary losses caused by seller but we would try my best to ensure that we get the right order at the end of the day.

♥ Pls kindly cooperate, we would prefer that u check ur orders, confirm ur orders before posting.

♥ Please pay as soon as possible. The more you drag, the availability of the stocks might be gone by the time i place the order, esp on sales item.

♥ Pls save a image of your item, load it into Photobucket/imageshack/Yahoo Photos. If not, i wouldn't know who order which item when they don't indicate the item no. on the clothes.

♥ Any refunds will be made after we have completed the whole spree.

♥ Once I have checked the transaction, you comment will be freeze

♥ Be prepare to wait the shipping time will be around 1-2 month to reach me once the spree have closed (Need time to restock for pre-order item)

♥ sending payment via speedpost concealed cash. $19.60 wil be divided by no of items.

♥ Only 2 item is allow per spree-er, if more than 2 item please refer below.

Shipping Charges

♥ S$3 for the initial shipping

♥ Any excess will be refund or any top-up should done when the items have arrived

♥ Handling Fee: every 2 item $0.50 chargeable (Reason being i will not be posting out the item at post office, if more than 2 item the package will be bulky for me to post out so have to split into 2 package wrapping and masking tape will have to use up more lor hope you can understand)

Exchange Rate



{Orangebear Plus Size}
{E-Style Normal Size}

Payment Method

♥ ATM transfer allowed, unless you can do it within 24 hours

♥ NO payment upon meet-ups

♥ NO interbank transfer

♥ No concealed Cash

♥ Two-time payment

♥ 1st payment: [Cost of item / 21.48] + [No. of item * $3] + Handling fee S$0.50

♥ 2nd payment: Shipment top-ups (if any) + Postage charges

POSB Savings account: 152-19251-7

UOB Savings account: 216-373-542-5

Distribution Method

♥ All items would be Strictly distributed by “BY NORMAL POSTAGE ONLY” (join only u'r comfortable)


♥ When i have enough order

* If item status is stated as X已標空, then PLS DO NOT ORDER it.
♥ Check that FULL ITEM NUMBER is correct as I will be ordering based on that.
♥ Save a picture of your item(s) as the URL will not work once the auction is over.


♥ For those with no LJ account, you can email your order to me.

Email: (Subject: Orangebear Spree #2 joinspree)

LJ Nick / Name:

Email address: (*Note no email no update)

Item #1

Item Name: [Copy item name in CHINESE ONLY, include the item code e.g OrangeBear《G125》無敵內搭款~多色系一體成形繞頸綁帶小可愛(現+預)

URL: ** I will not take in/cancel your order if URL is incorrect. pls ensure the link is working.**

Item Code: e.g 《C259-2-38》Please refer to the above yellow box

Image Link: Item will not be release if no picture is upload for my ref


Color: ** pls copy and paste in CHINESE CHARACTER ONLY **


Alternative: (Item Code, colour, size and URL)


Item #2

Item Name: [Copy item name in CHINESE ONLY, include the item code e.g OrangeBear《G125》無敵內搭款~多色系一體成形繞頸綁帶小可愛(現+預)

URL: ** I will not take in/cancel your order if URL is incorrect. pls ensure the link is working.**

Item Code: e.g 《C259-2-38》Please refer to the above yellow box

Image Link: Item will not be release if no picture is upload for my ref


Color: ** pls copy and paste in CHINESE CHARACTER ONLY **


Alternative: (Item Code, colour, size and URL)


Total Item:

Total Price in NT:

Total amount in SG$: [Total price in NT] / [21.48 exchange rate] + [No. of item * $3] + [Handling fee S$0.50] = [Total in SG$] NOTE: For total amount in SGD$, pls ROUND UP to the nearest two decimal places, not round down. E.G. SGD$10.324 = 2.33


Transaction details:-

Transfer to which bank (eg: UOB or POSB):

Mode of transfer: IB / ATM

IB Nick/Name (If applicable):

Date & Time of transfer:

Amount Transferred:
Transaction Reference No.:

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