Title: My One and Only (Part II & III) (part I
Rating: R
Disclaimer: All recognisable characters belong to JK Rowling and Warner Bros.
Author's Notes: This is a three-part fic; the first part was published a while ago and recently edited; it provides the background story for the other two parts, which are the actual answer to the challenge
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Comments 8
I love everything about it, even the original character (I even googled him to check if he was based on a real person).
I especially love the way it ties all of the r/s era's together flawlessly. So many writers have trouble with making the fases the relationship goes through realistic and fit together at the same time, because they're all so different but have to have the same atmosphere. Most writers don't bother with more that one era per fic or series, but I love stories in which this happens; it gives the story depth.
The ending is so sad, because it's a real ending, which is good, because there is usually such a gaping hole at the end of "Lie low at Lupin's" fics because you know what's going to happen and it ruins it. This has closure.
Thank you so, so much for writing this.
It was a pleasure!
I'll post the whole thing at my LJ - I considered editing the first one with this new version, but I'm a sentimental fool and couldn't do it. So the old version is still posted there.
Your comment made me all warm and fuzzy. Thanks for it.
And I'd like to kick Peter, even though I pretend to understand him.
Peter's a rat... and I also want to kick him.
Their story is so sad - the best we can do is to write happy fics about the short happy time they had together.
Thanks for reading.
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