From Newsarama...'s some more of what Dini had to say...
NRAMA: Moving over to touch upon Sirens - teaming the characters seems logical enough, but for you writing it a different mind space for you to handle her in the “mainstream” DC Universe than it is for handling her in the animated series?
PD: It’s kind of story-by-story basis. I came up with something kind of unique for her to do this time around, and I like the character a lot, and reinvented her a little bit through her different animated permutations where she was and yet wasn’t eh same character. With this one, she’s the DCU character. There are elements of the animated series, but I really want to take her in a different direction this time around and stretch her personality a little bit and reveal some things with her that have never been revealed before; delve into her history and some things like that.
It’s the same with all the girls - with Catwoman, Poison Ivy, and we’ll probably throw Holly Robinson in. You’ll find out a lot more about them as we go on. I don’t want them to be one-dimensional bad guys. We’re going to give them all more depth.
Excited, nervous, anxious... what are your thoughts??