NO on PROP 2

Nov 06, 2005 23:05

Guys you got to vote!!! As you can tell I am voting no against prop 2, because it’s all these crazy religious people saying two people can't be bonded together because they are not man and woman. Well they do LOVE EACH OTHER and will probably do better then regular straight people who half of all marriages end in divorce. I can see from a religious ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

oxidizer November 7 2005, 05:27:57 UTC
for legal rights by all means, why shouldn't the rights be the same. however i have no church afiliation and its my opinion that the state should have nothing to do with church laws. take it up with the pope. a legal union should be the base of the marriage, if you have a legal union recognized by the state it should carry all the legal privileges as a marriage. if the goal is recognition by the church, take it up with the church, the state has nothing to do with it. err. i hope that makes sense.


stillwingless November 7 2005, 16:23:40 UTC
ah yes, the post in which manny realizes this is texas and prop 2 is gonna pass, regardless of circumstances or calls to action.

i personally could care less. if they want to get married, that's fine. although the definition is so screwed up... what are they gonna do? not have sex until they're married? that would be awesome and great. if they'd do it. probability of it happening is better with a straight couple. however, would they be less likely to divorce? interesting questions...

i'm sorry, i just woke up.

however, i still could care less. if they want to go get married, have fun spending thousands of dollars on the ceremony, just don't wear my dress. XD

but i won't vote against prop 2. why? religious affiliation.


If only! oo_xorn_oo November 7 2005, 19:07:25 UTC
Indeed, Manny, indeed. I can't vote, so I've been kicking everyone's 'nads in protest of their apathy.
I'm doing an article on prop. 2. Could I get some words from you?


My religious affiliation says... molokoman November 8 2005, 02:27:02 UTC
Nothing I agree with, perhaps I should change my religious affiliation?

That's an overstatement. But, the rampant hatred and uncompassionate nature of the Christian community is shameful.

I for one haven't determined scripturally that homosexuality is a sin, problems with interpretation and the validity of literal translation prevent me from spouting fire and brimstone. Though, even if it was proven to be "wrong", the response of the Christian community would still be completely incorrect, unbiblical and downright evil.

As a Christian, I apologize to the gay community, and wish them the best of butt fucking, dick sucking, pussy munching luck.


ha jokesonme04 November 8 2005, 13:51:27 UTC
Thanks guys for your imput elections are today so go vote(if you can). Lacey yes you are right about me and Texas, but i am glad that at least most people i know are okay with gay unions. Justin i like your comment the best, ari i will do you article, and Drew.....ok you made me laugh a lot with that ending.


Re: My religious affiliation says... stillwingless November 9 2005, 02:28:03 UTC
i'll agree with parts of molokoman says. christians seem to forget that even though homosexuality is a sin, so is lying, stealing, and sleeping with livestock. none are better or worse than the others.

and the following is purely because this is my calling, and i've got 20.5 years of this under my belt. i'm gonna abridge it as much as i can, and those not curious can just move on. (and i'm sorry, person i'm replying to... i like to keep replies within similar context

everyone likes to go to Leviticus 18 for the "thou shalt nots" of sexuality. however, the hebrew is ambiguous as it relates to homosexuality in this chapter. not to mention that christians, according to the new testament, are no longer under levitican/judaic law. so ignore leviticus.

Romans 1: 26-27 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is ( ... )


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