Well, nearly, anyway. I just need to finish the hems. I've got pictures, though! On me, even, though I lack the make up to actually make me look Sally-like.
The front of the dress. As much as I tried to make the patches (and stripes, for that matter) line up, it didn't fully work. I added some ribbon, too, to make it a bit girlier, I guess. Two different colors, 'cause I thought it worked.
My youngest brother got in the way of this shot .. and my battery was dying so the reshot didn't work. Oh well. The back of the dress has some of my favorite fabrics - including the butterfly patch.
Next - photos of me ...
I do plan on making the neckline a bit wider and lower (not indecent, just enough to make me look a bit less ... busty, I suppose). Sadly, my hair isn't Sally length, so I'm gonna have to figure out how to deal. Maybe just say she got a hair cut, or something.
And the back! I really like the blue patch. I *know* I'm not Sally cute (cute isn't really the word to describe my appearance, really, lol), but hopefully it'll turn out in the end.
My mom just got back with pinking shears! I can finish-finish the dress. :)