You know what's funny? How every businessman sees the world trough pink glasses when starting his business...
Once something goes right and he gets to actually earn the money he put into making the business
work and then he decides to extend his reach outside the capital city, ofc he expects to meet similar success.
Unfortunately there's great difference between the capital, where there's 1% unemployment and here, at the other side of the country, where there's 20% unemployment...
People don't have jobs, so they don't have money to spend on stupidities like train rides for kids around the mall... I don't really blame them.
But still it's our fault, since we sell the tickets, that income is so small.
You know, the boss already voiced his opinion on how we're not doing or job
properly and that he wants us to make EACH DAY at leastas much as they do in the capital... which is more than twice as much as we usualy have...
Well, I'm sorry, but this is NOT the capital.