The way I understand it, just by not knowing what to believe or knowing what's true or false, that puts you in the agnostic field. I'm agnostic because I refuse to say one way or another that God exists, but I'm open to either possibility.
Religion is so confounding sometimes. I had thought a lot about it, but had basically just decided that I was agnostic (which I still consider myself to be). But I had no idea what to do when I fell in love with a devout Catholic... However, what I did learn from him (when he was still like that) was that not all Christians are bigots, etc. I don't know how they square liberal beliefs with the bible, but some seem to do it. Alek has basically ended up giving up Catholocism. He's now convinced that all religions are just different ways of viewing the same force... I don't know if that's true but it does kind of make sense. Oh, I think my comment was gonna be something about how religion stays with you if you're raised with it. So yeah, even though he's now changed his beliefs to mesh more with his pro -gay rights and -premarital sex views, there's still things we're stuck with. Abortion is something we'll never agree on, because he thinks it's just wrong to cause the death of anyone. He's going to pretend to his parents
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We should get together sometime. It seems weird that we're so close but have only seen each other in Ithaca once - by chance. I think we've both gone through some major changes since coming to college, and it'd be great to catch up. Do you have time free on the weekends?
Weekends are good, and it would be great to get out--Alek and I usually just sit around the apartment. This weekend I have a lot of homework to finish for after Spring Break, but I swear I'll IM you after that and we can get together. We're already past the halfway point towards graduating, and I know that if I say we'll get together and don't actually make myself do it soon, I'll just keep putting it off... *sigh* college...
Comments 4
We should get together sometime. It seems weird that we're so close but have only seen each other in Ithaca once - by chance. I think we've both gone through some major changes since coming to college, and it'd be great to catch up. Do you have time free on the weekends?
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