
Jul 11, 2005 09:32

ok so...i went to the movies with kathryn and clarissa and morgan....and thomas cuz talia i guess didnt show up so thomas went and watched bewitched with us....wen we were in the theatre we were the loudest ones...and we had these 2 fat ppl behind us with matching outfits hahaha wow.....ok so the curtain that covers god knows what on the screen was ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

surfergurl0397 July 11 2005, 12:29:54 UTC
hahaha sry i'd be embarassed if you guys ran up there and fixed it! and i liekd it wird!! ummy eah i hate my sister too and by all this i can see why you dont liek her i mean mann if my sister played the tv that loud id be cussin her out and punchin her int he face, i suggest you try it 99% guarantee of peace nad quiet!!


jollyxrancher99 July 11 2005, 12:42:56 UTC
as if i havent tried that.....but my sister is surprisingly strong and wut she lacks in boobs she makes up for in arm muscle.....o well....we'll just havta keep on hating our sisters.....


surfergurl0397 July 11 2005, 12:56:59 UTC
thats from tennis haha but yeah the singing thing where they try to steal what you do? have you tried just tackling her? biting slapping punching ohh kicking my specialty! haha umm idk just sneaky attacks like idk puttin stuff on her toothbrush haha i put hair gel all over my sister toothbrush once and she used it hahaha and yeah i did other stuff too ill suggest more when ithink of it haha


jollyxrancher99 July 11 2005, 13:51:58 UTC
woa ur a pro....ill try haha


ximxsikickx July 11 2005, 16:08:22 UTC
damn...I'm happy im sisterless..haha... sorry 'bout all that..wow


jollyxrancher99 July 11 2005, 16:11:29 UTC
yea ur pretty lucky haha......o yea! do u want a kitten or not cuz u can come over and check them out.....cuz i think we have lyk 3 or 2 left so yea...


ximxsikickx July 11 2005, 16:26:33 UTC
I dunno..I hafta ask my folks still lol


jollyxrancher99 July 11 2005, 17:29:45 UTC
ok lol


hi_is_any1_here July 12 2005, 00:50:31 UTC
wait when was it awkward?


hi_is_any1_here July 12 2005, 00:55:23 UTC
and which one was kathryn?


jollyxrancher99 July 12 2005, 08:44:48 UTC
kathryn is blond and she sat next to u.....and ask her if it was akward i dont feel lyk xplaining..


(The comment has been removed)

jollyxrancher99 July 14 2005, 18:25:00 UTC


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