so like ok...
FRIDAY: jeeze ok the one nd only (kathryn) nd i went to the moovies to watch was pretty fun we saw just lyk heaven or w.e....yea id say it was pretty rrad....umm the supid lady gave us tickets to wedding crashers so we were lyk SCORE...nd then the stupid manager was lyk heyy u girls r ent 18....DUHH...kathryn was lyk oo she gave us the wrong tickets...blah blah blah just lyk heaven was a good movie...after that we lyk loitered a bit then went back to my house nd chilled....after a while jonny nd his friend tommy came over nd we chilled a bit...umm they threw sparky at eachother? nd tommy got a scratch omfg it was soo funny...he was lyk freeking out..but ok so then tommy left nd me jonny nd kathryn chilled then jonny left x3 :( nd me nd kathryn decided to lyk c if her phone would break if she chucked it against the couch...well it didnt so we went to bed
SATURDAY: ok so me nd kathryn actually woke up at lyk 2 nd chilled...we lyk drowned her phone in my sink cuz she rele watned a new one haha nice.....umm at lyk 3 30 she left nd i started gettin redy for becca's.....umm so i got ready then i had to find a ride so i called jonny nd he could drive me so while i waited i called kizzle nd we talked about how she couldnt get a new phone LOL haha my poor little funny...then we hung up nd jonny picked me up nd drove me to beccas....we were wearing lyk matchin outfits wow weird...i had on lyk my tan bermudas nd green polo ...nd he had on a green polo nd tan shorts i guess...haha not wen we got to becca's she 'forgot' to stand outside we were lyk driving around her neighboorhood looking for her house nd we finnaly called nd found her nd after he left we hung around then decided o go to the movies to meet her bf nd friends to c cry wolf....we were freeking out cuz we thot itd be scary but it was actually rele rele good....her bf kinda nice ig uess.....but ok umm so after the movie we chilled until her dad came nd picked us up nd went to her house...hyper hyper hyper (we got smoothie kind nd she put this xtra energy stuff in it) woa becca......umm so after that we just watched shrek 2 haha nd went to bed....umm that night there was lyk a big misunderstanding with her nd her bf nd wow big drama....
SUNDAY: um woke up, talked to ppl, went to this deli place nd ate.....umm then went im b n too cool for words nd me nd kathryn r messaging eachother back nd forth on myspace...i have too much hw ahhh
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