Near the end of December, boss got back an abnormal result on her mammogram. Turned out to be a few "pre-cancerous" cells, which fortunately were contained in a duct, and had not spread. In these situations, the only thing doctors can do is treat it the same as a full-blown tumor, since sometimes they later develop into full-blown tumors, and there's no way to know which will and which won't. So she had a lumpectomy, and just finished seven weeks of radiation therapy yesterday. Oh, and the cells were very estrogen-sensitive, which is a good thing, because there's a pill she'll have to take daily for a few years that cuts her risk of a recurrence considerably. In fact, they almost skipped the radiatoin altogether, but decided to go ahead and do it, mainly because her parents both lived into their late 90's and she's only in her early 60's. 'Cursed' by good genes! *g*
Another 'curse' was that our favorite route to the cancer clinic just happened to run past our favorite plant nursery. The garden has never been so ... flowery! It's been needing a lot of serious work, anyway, so this was a good excuse (and great exercise). It's still a work in progress, but so far so good.
Still watching House and the past six or seven episodes have been a tremendous improvement for me. The tone has gotten darker again, much to the dismay of fans who prefer it lighter. I don't think there's a "right" or "wrong" preference here. It is what it is ... and right now, what it is is what I like. Those who are weary of the character constantly striving and struggling for his brief victories ... well, that's perfectly understandable, too. I was the same way about Buffy. I loved season six, which some fans complained was just too depressing. What can I say? I loves me some angst in my shows (dramatic angst, that is - this time House isn't moping around and feeling sorry for himself, thank David Shore)! :-)