I've met a number of women recently, all strong, clever, successful, some in powerful positions, who have started sentences with some version of "I'm not a feminist, but . . ." My former partner used to see this frequently in the Uni classes she taught. What's going on here? Has Andrea Dworkin convinced everybody that her version of feminism is
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Comments 8
I agree with you about respect totally. Still very lacking I think.
AND I think the world should have as many groups as possible fighting for equality, so I disagree with you there too.
But I totally agree with you about what feminism means to you. I think what would be a really good sign that women are considered equal, is if a man was a knitting stay at home "mom" and that was seen as a fine choice too. Thanks.
"the choice of power" - well said. Feminism in BDSM is a trifle complex, but I totally agree with you that its possible to be a submissive AND a feminist. I know a few subs, including my former partner, who are strong strong women and quite clear that they are feminists. My partner used to introduce herself at poetry readings as a queer, feminist, submissive poet. There is a great book called "A Defence of Masochism" by Anita Phillips which elegantly argues the case. One of the things she said, was that you can take the history of women's subjugation (or I think personal abuse, etc) and, by eroticising it, you can regain control. (Short version)
I think it's even trickier with tops, especially men. I came to BDSM late, and maybe I'd have a different view if life were different. I would hope not though.
About offering the same choices, or equality of opportunity. That can be tricky. What about equality of outcomes? But I absolutely agree that feminism is not about MAKING the same choices.
My definition of feminism is constructing a society in a way such that a woman may choose to live completely independent of a husband or father. That means she is entitled to education as a girl as well as a boy's, birth control, abortion, the right to learn self-defense, and a career of her choosing with the same pay a man would earn for the same job.
It makes no sense to me to say that BDSM is incompatible with this. Indeed, in an nonfeminist society, it would be very dangerous indeed to be a submissive. The whole BDSM subculture is inherently a feminist one. And as our feminist mothers pointed out, marriage itself was a very dangerous, oppressive arrangement. Within the context of feminism, it is a chosen, negotiated relationship. Or it can be opted out of completely.
Of course BDSM is compatable with feminism, it just isn't always. Which means many subs, esp women, are getting a raw deal, at least in my limited experience. Most that I've met operate in a kind of benevolent dictator relationship, where it works, but not because the system is good. Maybe BDSM is more evolved in the US. But I know doms, dommes and subs who are clearly feminists in thought and action. Like me, like you.
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