Rest In Piece, Cassie Davino

Jan 20, 2008 02:14

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Comments 9

Cassie D anonymous January 22 2008, 17:40:26 UTC
Life is scary - but people like Cassie made it less so - and her loss can be a lesson about how precious our time to gether is! She was the champion for folks with out a voice. Her voice was inspirational and my heart goes out to all who are feeling sadness. I am trying myself to understand and realize my life is better because she was in it.
Peace and Love to you all
Judi Gage -


cassie anonymous January 22 2008, 21:27:00 UTC
i never knew cassie personally but i did know of her. she was such a beautiful young and very talented person. she always similed at me when we would pass eachother in school, her parents must be very lost without her. mrs.davino i am sooo sry for ur lost i knew how much she meant to u just by seeing u together. no words that i can say will ease ur pain but cassie was a wonderful girl. i wish i would of known her better. may god be with all cassie's family in this time of need and lost. sincerely, Maxine Smith


I still miss you darlin anonymous June 30 2008, 04:12:44 UTC
I remember the day you nominated me for secretary when no one else would. You were the best friend I ever had, and I will never get the chance to thank you...


elenasium November 29 2009, 21:11:08 UTC
Happy Birthday!
Data89, web data extraction.


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