So confussed

May 04, 2004 16:14

My birthday was surreal, to say the least ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

malkav057 May 5 2004, 05:23:06 UTC
some chix0rs are competitive.

some are anti competitive.


HEY darkendmage May 5 2004, 11:17:14 UTC
I told you to sit down and join the party ya know!! Because you were bein a recluse and stuffs. and I wanted johnny doom huggles:-d

At least you killed that big stick with metal in it...

btw? Hows your hand?

Have you cleaned it?

Or are you still "waiting" on your Offical Medic?


Re: HEY jonisgod May 5 2004, 11:22:46 UTC
i tutrns green right before it gets better, right?
I know its getting better, cause I cant fell it anymore, even when i poke it


nNnNOoOOoOoOo darkendmage May 5 2004, 11:24:55 UTC
No green fingers..dats bad.. I will clean it in like 7 hours with IODINE!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAH..

Wait.. I dont have any..

I WILL CLEAN IT.... PROXCIDE(yes i cant spell)

and if your good i will give you a DOOM cookie!!


Re: nNnNOoOOoOoOo jonisgod May 5 2004, 11:34:18 UTC
yummy doom cookies, with extra discord


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