Ah, Frats

Aug 26, 2005 01:41

I thought about joining one. No, seriously, I did. Those who knew me in high school remember that, for whatever reason, I never wanted to do what everyone else thought was great, even going to Jason's Deli for lunch. The penchant for going against the grain went so far in college that I almost went conservative for a while, being suffocated by ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

schismaverick August 26 2005, 06:05:06 UTC
hahaaa i remember. i was like "what's that pin?" "oh i'm rushing" "oh which frat?" "it's a secret" "ok" (both continue french class activity). do whatcha gotta do johnny boy, as long as it's you.


colefowler August 26 2005, 09:37:01 UTC
Go for it!


yarrg emily_yep August 29 2005, 12:05:57 UTC
joooooooooon. i had a dream about you last night. (and in it both of your ears were pierced and it suited you quite well- might should look into it). buuut, i also realized i only saw you maybe once this summer and thats crazy. i suppose it is too late now, but for future reference- we are hanging out when you come to austin again. i will put you in charge of letting me know when you are here. also, have you gotten taller recently? -em


Re: yarrg emily_yep August 29 2005, 22:37:32 UTC
On the ear piercing, I think I might go for one on my left ear, or maybe my right ear, or whichever's the straight one. Just for you.

And yeah, I didn't see you NEARLY enough this summer, what with you being across the globe and me being lazy, so I'll be sure to let you know when I'll be around next. In fact, I'll be flying into town for ACL, so if you're going to that I'd definitely like a concert buddy.

And I don't know if I've gotten taller, but I've been asked that lately more than once, so I'm gonna say... maybe?


Re: yarrg jonsalmon August 29 2005, 22:38:39 UTC
That was me.


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