-i am about to watch foreign movies (german mainly)
............... btw anyone feel free to join me, cause whats the point of watching a sub titled moving picture unless you have someone to enjoy it with.
In dealing with colleges i just get so frustrated. I also hate the fact that my boarding school basically screwed me over in the area of college processing
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I hate the fact that my numbero uno college keeps tricking me with evil mean letters asking me if I want to join a sport team or if I want to come to a conference
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this is no fair, how dare you sunshine trick me into thinking it was summer
I woke and realized that it was summer, that i had no homework, no school, just the sun and so many options for fun, but not only was i terribly mistaken i am also stupid
So yah i havent written anything in awhile due to the fact that my computer has been in the repair shop. Damn you repair man for taking forever to fix the cord
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