Sex. Have you ever just wanted to give in to it? just once wanted to try it out? Almost like a drug, taunting you. not quite kept at the back of your head, but not at the forefront of your mind either. It's just kind of there, like a song that's stuck in your head and never leaves. You can't dround it out. What can you do to ignore it? What can you
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Comments 2
Al I can say is. In the moment, it would feel so right, seem so right, maybe even be so right. But think about the day after. Think about seeing the girl (probably at church...haha) think about talking to your dad. Think about worshipping. Could it ever really be the same? We have all waited so long, and in one night, we just throw it all away.
Stay strong mitch! It will all be worth it in the end i think.
Shauna's right though. It freaking sucks.
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