First ever meme.

Aug 20, 2007 23:09

Yay, this is my first meme! Tagged by topoftheiceberg.

1. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
2. Tag seven people to do the same.
3. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag whoever wants to do it.

1. I've been playing in a brass band for the last 20 years. OMG surely it can't be that long?! (Surely I'm not that old now am I, LOL!). So I'm considered a bit of a geek; playing in a brass band is not exactly considered 'cool' in the UK! Oh well too late to worry about it now...

2. I have a DVD buying addiction that I need to break. Well actually I don't want to break it... (isn't that one of the signs of addiction? hehe). I love all films, especially sci-fi, thrillers, action, fantasy, you name it really... And I've started buying TV series on DVD too. *Groans*, there's no help for me now!

3. I'm a bit of a bookworm; I love reading and escaping off to another world contained between the pages. So in addition to the stacks of DVDs around my home, I also have piles of books. And now I've got about 20 of my favourite House fics printed off so I can keep re reading them. So now I've got stacks of paper everywhere as well as books and DVDs.

4. I think I must have an obsessive trait. I always get fixated on things, so a few years ago I used to be obsessed with Farscape, now I'm obsessed with House! Although I can think of worse things to be obsessed with. Still, it doesn't help my geeky image much does it! Thank god for the escape of LJ.

5. I'm a bit too snarky at times!

6. People always think I'm confident and I am when it comes to work and with close friends, but I'm shy inside and am always overthinking everyone's responses to me. I feel like I should be back in school sometimes, I've not got rid of the teenage angst!

7. Just like topoftheiceberg I too am an obsessive when it comes to things like grammar/spelling and to a point, neatness. Picking up on grammar and spelling is a great habit for work (I've done a lot of computer testing and auditing jobs so that comes in handy) but in real life I feel I'm a little annoying! Or at least my sister always says so, hehe. I also have the obsessive/lazy mix... so I'd love for my house to look clean and neat all the time, but it's usually only the thought of a visitor that makes me get up off my lazy ass and do something about it.

Well, now I'm supposed to tag seven friends, but having scanned my list, I'm feeling a bit pathetic now! I've only got 4 friends and one of them tagged me! So, I'd like to tag roobyroobyroo beebee_159 houseketeer. Sorry if you've already seen this meme guys!

And if anyone shares any of these obsessions with me, please feel free to friend me. I'm still new to LJ - I've got better at commenting on people's fics, but I always feel a bit shy at friending anyone.


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