Title: Play with Me
Characters: Team
Word count: 100
tw100 prompt: Fancy words. Words used: Baldenfreude, Antediluvian, Solipsistic, Renminbi
Rating/Warning: PG
“Baldenfreude” said Ianto.
“Three points,” replied Tosh, “Antediluvian.”
“Oh, nice; five points. Solipsistic.” Ianto returned with a grin.
“Sneaky. Four and a half. Renminbi.” retorted Tosh.
“What are they doing?” Jack asked, wandering over.
“Playing one of their ‘who’s the cleverest’ games.” answered Owen.
The three watched the game for a moment longer.
“How do they score?”
“We have no idea” Gwen said.
“Who’s winning?”
“Not a clue.”
“What do all those words mean?”
Owen turned his attention away from the continuing game, “Face it Jack. We don’t know, we’ll never know. And that’s why they don’t play with us.”