Title: Dreams of the Dreaming
Characters: Gwen
Word count: 100
tw100 prompt: Random title generator. Title generated "Dreams of the Dreaming"
Rating/Warning: PG
Spoilers: None
AN - I got six titles from the generator so decided to do a drabble for all of them, each from the POV of a different character. It's amazing what you can do on a bus journey...
The clock strikes half past five and she turns off her computer, picks up her bag and waves goodbye to her co-workers. As she leaves the Hub she looks forward to another lazy evening at home with Rhys.
Gwen starts awake, her legs alternately numb and aching from the cold and being bent into one position for too long. She looks at her watch; 3.16am. She sees Owen grinning at her in the half light.
“Falling asleep on a stakeout Cooper? Tut tut. What were you dreaming about to make you smile like that anyway?”
“I was dreaming the impossible.”