Missed you

Sep 18, 2013 20:45

Hi LJ buddies *waves*

Wow it has been a long time again. I miss you all.

I don't really have much to say, other than this is another attmempt to get posting and interacting more often.

Hope all in LJ land are well.


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Comments 5

aviv_b September 18 2013, 20:48:52 UTC
I was thinking about you the other day. Hope you're doing well and its good to see you here.


jooles34 September 18 2013, 21:04:33 UTC
Thanks you!


hab318princess September 18 2013, 20:48:59 UTC
I've become a bit of a recluse as well... (and my odd posts aren't that cheerful) but it's great to see you again *waves back*


jooles34 September 18 2013, 21:04:46 UTC
Thank you!


fififolle September 19 2013, 06:52:04 UTC
Hi Jooles! *hug*
I was telling goldarrow the story of your hat :D


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