Title: Flying High
Characters: Myfanwy - suggested by
in_these_stones and mentions of Ianto
tw100 prompt: Bugs
Rating/Warning: PG
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Nope, I don't own Torchwood
AN - I asked my Twitter friends to suggest a character for me to do the drabble from their POV. I got five...
She climbs higher into the air. Catching the thermals and air currents that lift and support her body, she’s carried out over the Bay.
The quiet one had let her out into the stormy night sky talking softly to her. She paid scant attention but recalls the words “storm” “Jack’s away” “never know”.
She tolerates him more than the others as he brings her treats, but she still cares little.
She looks down, seeing more of creatures that now make up her world and wonders if there is anything more tiny and insignificant that exists. She can’t believe there is.