Title: Don't Upset OCD Boy
tw100 prompt: Jonathan Coulton titles - Pizza Day
Characters/Pairings: Ianto, Owen, Jack, Gwen, Tosh
Rating/Warning: PG
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Nope, I don't own Torchwood
AN: This is just meant as fun and I am in no way mocking those with OCD.
“I could really go a jalfrezi.” Owen called, hinting heavily.
“Ooo, dinner. Good idea.” agreed Tosh.
“I’ve got a hankering for sweet and sour.” Gwen said.
“Can’t we go traditional for once? Good old fashioned fish and chips.” Jack chimed in.
“You know we can’t have any of those things.” Ianto said, a hint of concern in his voice.
His four colleagues looked at him. As he’d be the one organising dinner, it paid to humour him.
“Why not?” Owen asked finally.
Ianto looked confused at the question, as if the answer should have been obvious,
“It’s Tuesday; pizza day.”