Title: Never Back Down
Fandon: Torchwood
tw100 prompt: erosion
Characters/Pairings: Jack/Ianto
Rating/Warning: PG M/M themes
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Nope, I don't own Torchwood
He tried to be strong, stand firm, keep his ground, not back down. He couldn’t let himself be beaten, weakened, to submit to the pressure. He couldn’t be known as one who would cave.
But it was constant, always there, always nagging.
The other was relentless, pushing, repeating his demands over and over again.
It wore at him, ground him down and until his defences were lost.
“Alright Jack, you win! I’ve had enough. The thing with the hockey stick? Fine, we’ll do it tonight.”
“You’ll love it Ianto, I promise.”
“Whatever.” Ianto tried to look annoyed, but failed miserably.
AN: As this appears to be something of an obession of mine, if someone can make me a Ianto/hockey stick icon you will be bestowed with cookies and good fortune and a drabble of your choice.