Title: Sharing Eternity
Fandon: Torchwood
tw100 prompt: Missing scene
Characters/Pairings: Tosh, Jack
Rating/Warning: PG - reference to character death
Spoilers: for season two
Disclaimer: Nope, I don't own Torchwood
AN: Is a followup to
Sliver of Lover. Once overed by
emyrldlady She’s not sure how it happened but sometimes she’s allowed back through. Just long enough to visit, look, hope they know she loves them.
She’s not sure if anyone can see her on her visits, but with him, sometimes she feels like he does. It’s the way he pauses, seems to turn back, the way he shakes his head.
She tells herself that’s why she keeps coming to him over everyone else; just another experiment. But it’s not true. It’s because with eternity stretching out in front of her Jack is the only one she’d choose to spend it with.