Nov 15, 2010 00:02
Title: Throwing Words
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: Owen
Words: 100
Rating: PG - one naughty word
Disclaimer: Nope, don't own Torchwood
Spoilers:Reference to Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, so sort of spoilery, but not very
AN: Because I love Owen. And am only just realising I have no Owen and Tosh together icons... *wanders off to rectify*
He’s a twat and knows it. He talks carelessly, throwing words out into the world, not caring who they hit, who they hurt, what pain they inflict. Sometimes the barbs are aimed and they strike home with unerring accuracy.
He cajoles, he mocks, he taunts. He snipes, he jibes, he lies. “Of course I’ll call you tomorrow”; “yes, I’ll stay for breakfast.”
But now, the words aimed at the man with the gun have the full weight of the truth behind them, making them more powerful than any lie could be.
"You touch her again and I will kill you."
owen harper