Spin the Bottle

Jan 01, 2011 14:33

At some point - that none of them could really remember - someone - that they were still arguing over - had suggested playing spin the bottle.

Happily, there were a number of bottles to choose from.

It was all going swimmingly well except that every time Ianto spun, the bottle pointed at Owen. The Londoner changed seats with everyone around the table, but unerringly it was him that once again received Ianto’s attentions on every spin.

Once the alcohol and Owen’s patience had both been exhausted, they all started drifting their way home. Jack pulled Ianto close.

“Isn’t it a bit strange that you kept getting Owen like that?”

Ianto grinned back at him. “As you say Jack, it’s all in the wrist.”

team, friendship fic, ianto jones, slash, fanfic, torchwood, owen harper

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