Title: More Than...Unexpected
Fandom: Primeval
Characters: Lester, Becker
Words: 100
Rating,Warnings: PG
Disclaimer: Nope, don't own Primeval.
Spoilers: For end season 3, start season 4
AN: For
primeval100 prompt 'loyalty'. This is a companion peice to the drabble "
It Was...Unexpected"
They hadn’t got off to the best start. Lester respected smart, but when a subordinate as intelligent as Becker came into the fold they could easily be trouble.
But he quickly proved himself a good soldier; followed command well, took orders seriously - unlike some people - and protected the team with almost ruthless efficiency.
He had put his neck on the line and played Wilder and Johnson perfectly to protect him.
So when he was asked to restart the ARC there was never any doubt in his mind about where is own loyalties lay. He needed a friend by his side.