I am glad that the Supreme Court sustained the legality of same-sex marriage across the country. It is my profound belief, based on the logic that marriage is a mutual choice between any two people who decide to unite their lives in love, that marriage should not be only allowed between persons of opposite sexes. Marriage is not purely for the
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Comments 59
P.S., his site address is http://moelane.com/.
No, no don't repeal the miserable anti-consumer legislation the Dems farted out without bothering to examine or read call it a tax.
No, no don't bother repealing the unconstitutional turd sandwich that's raising premiums and deductibles across the board just fix it.
No, no don't bother repealing it, instead fix the language under an utterly bizarre contrivance to make it fit "the spirit of the law".
Has the establishment lost its dang mind? Now is not the time to let this thing go, we should be using every opportunity to dismantle this thing before the LIVs who only watch The Daily Show have a chance to forget how hard this thing is hitting their wallet and affecting most everyone's livelihood.
And yeah goodbye rule of law. I wonder how long it takes to go from abandoning the rule of law to dictatorship.
We need another Reagan.
As long as the Republicans continue to (by choice or desperation) turn to the redneck-and-religious-far-right voting block, I don't see things changing. Would the modern Republican party even be an organization that would attract, accept, and promote a modern-day Ronald Reagan in the first place?
Maybe "President Schwarzenegger" would have worked out, in accordance with Back to the Future II... if not for that foreign birth thing. :)
It seems to me the current guard of the Republican Party deserves to lay in the bed of demoralization they made for themselves, wrecking an otherwise decent party, but I hope someone digs them out eventually.
In closely-related news, are you familiar with Giggles the Pig?
This leads to the push to remove terms like "husband" "wife", "mother" and "father" - as if removing words from pieces of paper is able to change reality and biology itself!
But why not? If you can make yourself into the opposite sex by claiming, wishing, feeling or "identifying" as such, then why not?
It's pure insanity. And people cheer it on. It's astounding to me.
I fight ignorance.
Get you fucking heads out of your asses.
Look around.
The world is headed in an economic nose-dive.
So lets sip coffee and remark.
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