Why Europe Needed a First Amendment

Jan 02, 2016 05:52

What we are seeing in Europe is a very good demonstration of why the First Amendment, or something like it, is necessary for the maintenance of a truly free society.  The Europeans are not free to express political beliefs of which their masters disapprove, which is hindering the development of lawful opposition to the policy of importing large ( Read more... )

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Comments 39

marycatelli January 2 2016, 14:55:51 UTC
Belgium demands that all funding for political parties be public -- and is allowed to rule that a party is not entitled to them.


jordan179 January 2 2016, 15:28:48 UTC
Indeed. Which, in America, would be unconstitutional, as it would constitute clear State favoritism or disfavoritism toward political parties based upon their beliefs. Not that it's not done here, but it has to be done much more surreptitously; the grounds for acceptance or unacceptance have to be at least formally-neutral.


robby January 2 2016, 15:04:08 UTC
The western world also needs a free press, not a leftist propaganda machine that labels any opposition to unrestricted immigration as "fascist".


jordan179 January 2 2016, 15:31:48 UTC
The First Amendment is vital for this purpose. In Western Europe, today, numerous people have been fined, imprisoned or subjected to other legal disabilities for expressing opinions unacceptable to the particular regimes in power, over the last quarter-century. It is crippling their resistance against Islam right now, and ensuring that it takes illegal forms when it appears. It may well bring down their democracies.


allaboutweather January 2 2016, 18:14:55 UTC
The "democratic socialists" replaced the soviet communists.


galadrion January 2 2016, 15:07:04 UTC
And a First Amendment is functionally useless without a Second.

History teaches that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by doing so. - Adolf Hitler

A guarantee of the right of free speech is worthless without the means of either enforcing that guarantee or protecting that right - both can be revoked at any time by the powers that be should the masses not have any means of keeping those powers in check.


jordan179 January 2 2016, 15:30:15 UTC
That's why it's the Second Amendment.

Governments who imagine they can disarm their people are foolish in any case: history shows that no people have accepted effective disarmament. All that weapons bans do are to assure that the armed element will be willing to move rapidly to illegal resistance.


allaboutweather January 2 2016, 15:40:46 UTC
Speaking of guns, did you hear about california's new gun law where they can take your guns for at least 3 weeks if someone says you could be a threat? That law is going to be abused greatly, especially by liberals with conservative family members. Basically, family members and/or law enforcement can ask a judge to take that person's guns WITHOUT THAT PERSON EVEN KNOWING. I'm not sure if a law of this type has been in effect before in the U.S., but it set a dangerous precedent.


jordan179 February 24 2017, 13:22:18 UTC
Oh indeed -- what's to prevent someone planning on killing you to report you as a potential threat, just so that the State can conveniently disarm you so that their attempted murder will be more likeluy to succeed? This is an example of why the imposition of a legal disability without due process of law, which is against Natural Right, is also a bad idea when constructing a legal system.


eta_ta January 2 2016, 15:33:31 UTC
islamic cancer already spread in US, too - exactly per your scenario. whole towns and municipalities are "muslim-only" zones, and more and more muslims elected officials are turning things closer to sharia on level of local laws and regulations.

I am sure everyone can name a place like this in their State, or a neighborhood in their city. Their equivalents of Dearborn, MI.
I live in one of those in Brooklyn - and it's not the only one in NY.

" ...incorporates the Muslim immigrants into its forces" - again, what about that Army major Nidal Hasan in Texas?
they are already here and active.


allaboutweather January 2 2016, 15:34:52 UTC
Frau Merkel wants to crack down on anyone saying anything bad about islam by personally asking him to help her. She also wants to sue EU countries who do not comply with immigration quotas. She was the one that let in a million of these refugees and she's the reason why democracy in europe will fall. I'm not sure if links will seen as spam but i'll post the links if you want.


prester_scott January 2 2016, 17:47:05 UTC
Example: German Christian activist Heidi Mund faces criminal charges for speaking out against an Islamic prayer service being held in a Lutheran church.


allaboutweather January 2 2016, 18:11:43 UTC
Wow. Like i said in against_pc, merkel is leader of the Fourth Reich. She's Europe's downfall. I hope she's arrested for treason soon.


prester_scott January 2 2016, 18:18:06 UTC
People like her don't get "arrested." She will either live to a ripe old age in a resort in Capri, or she'll be found dead in a "tragic accident."


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