((adult content throughout.))
After a bit of wandering through the city and with some additional help from locals, Katsumoto and Tony had finally located a
clothier shop and procured more suitable attire for the former chef, courtesy of Jordan College funds. It was clothing that wouldn't have looked out of place in the era Katsumoto came from, but
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Tony breathed in all the smells of the smells of the market. Some of the best things in life never changed. And the food on offer was more or less the same stuff he'd find at home. Beautiful apples, fresh fish and organ meat galore.
"This is the best date I've ever been on."
Very much what he expected, but the continual thrum of people would take a little getting used to. He was glad for the cooler temperatures of spring, since it helped keep at bay the stifling heat caused by so many people crowded together in an enclosed area. Still, few things were better than markets of this kind to provide a glimpse into the heart of a culture, and since it looked like Oxford was to become their home away from home, Katsumoto thought it best to start educating themselves.
He gestured for Tony to head in whichever direction he preferred, content to follow.
"Have you ever had strawberry shortcake?" He asked.
One of the porters had been able to provide a portable writing desk, an ideal height for Katsumoto's purpose, and it was positioned so Tony could sit across from him. The inkstone had been carefully prepared, most of the stiffness worked out of each ink brush, and several characters written on a sheet of parchment to test the quality of each item. Katsumoto had attained an elegant hand through a lifetime of dedication to the art, but in spite of this there remained, in his own opinion, areas he could still improve upon.
The door was left open, while Katsumoto sat in seiza and continued writing.
Tony tapped gently on the door frame and poked his head into the room. It was easy enough locating the kitchens and putting away the food. He'd found a bowl and picked out half of the strawberries and a paring knife to take back to Katsumoto's room.
"I brought back some strawberries," he said, seating himself crosslegged on the floor across from Katsumoto.
Yasu rolled off the bed like an over-sized house cat and went to greet Rose Lee at the door, as Katsumoto glanced up to likewise acknowledge Tony. "Thank you," he said, setting the ink brush aside and trading the parchment he'd been writing on for a blank sheet. "Do you remember what you were taught before?"
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