Thought for you, what about rumors that the original Mimsy still lives, somehow preserved into the present, and he can *grant wishes* to people? The Wonderful Wizard of Mimsy, as it were. That might be a player motivation. And the truth is that there are a scattering of well-trained Imagineers behind the scenes trying to keep things going, and this just happens to be one of their tools... Yes, of course they'll grant your wishes, you just need to get some things done for them. Sort of like how things worked in David Brin's 'The Postman.'
Heh. I'm not sure how to persuade the PCs that anyone could actually "grant wishes" in the Fallout universe (unlike Deadlands HoE, it doesn't seem to have any outright magic, and I don't even recall seeing any evidence of "psionics"), but maybe the idea could be that "grant wishes" means "can give you anything you want" (i.e., can BUILD you pretty much anything, thanks to legendary Pre-War experimental "fabrication machines," an army of robots, or whatever).
Just being able to heal most any injuries and diseases and maybe make people young again, or give them fantastic wealth in the form of a lifetime supply of goodies might be 'wish granting' enough. The goodies might not actually be delivered all at once, but instead, sent regularly, which would allow them to monitor the effect of the delivered wealth on the local community.
Iiinteresting. Hmm. Now I'm imagining something where minions (agents of Mimsy, robots, etc.) are sent out, posing as humble prospectors/merchants, spreading rumors about the EXP0 or Mimsyverse, tailored in some way with the intention of attracting people interested in Old World technologies. The danger might be that it could end up attracting some Brotherhood of Steel troopers (who would be determined to assess any threat posed by Old World technologies, and either acquire or destroy them if they could potentially be used to cause "World War 4" by some stretch of the imagination) or the Enclave (who would be similarly inclined to grab any technologies for themselves, but more inclined to terminate any current holders with extreme prejudice in the process) -- so perhaps that's why the word is a bit more targeted. (I.e., rather than just spreading rumors to all and sundry in the hopes it'll reach the right ears, the mysterious traveler looks for individuals who might be "promising.) The idea would be to attract individuals who
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